Apple Users
Related: About this forumMassive vulnerability to hackers has been found in "Zoom"-app. is that a problem? Because an attacker can then send you an invite link to a meetingembedded in a website, or even an emailwhich launches Zoom (even if you removed it). This joins you into a conference call and, by default, your webcam is on, which could create some awkward moments depending on what youre up to.
There are two primary fixes for this problem, which security researcher Jonathan Leitschuh outlined in his recent public disclosure of Zooms vulnerabilities. At minimum, youll want to go into Zooms video settings and enable this setting: Turn off my video when joining a meeting.
The bigger solution, if you ask me, is to uninstall Zoom completelywhich means removing that persistent web server it has dropped on your system. To do so, youll need to open up your Macs Terminal and run a two commands:

(1,962 posts)Thanks for posting! But ... I'm not completely happy with this article. It says to:
rm -rf ~/.zoomus
touch ~/.zoomus
But that's a little weird. It basically deletes the directory .zoomus and its contents, and then makes an empty file (not a directory) with the same name so that the malware will fail when it attempts to re-install (because the file with the same name keeps the directory from being created). But it doesn't stop the malware from running on your machine and trying to reinstall Zoom. Nor does it say how the garbage in ~/.zoomus/ is launched.
And something has to start it up. Stuff in ~/.zoomus is not going to be launched without some other hooks already running on your machine.
To find automatically launched code, you normally first review all the contents of the LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons directories (all of them ... in ~/Library, /Library and /System/Library). But this is a chore and isn't trivial for programmers, let alone non-programmers.
And stuff can also be launched via the "Login Items" list that's visible (and editable) using the "Users and Groups" panel in the "System Preferences" application.
A few minutes of google searches turned up this list of files to delete to remove Zoom ....
~/Library/Application Support/
~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin
~/Library/Saved Application State/us.zoom.xos.savedState
And this tidbit:
pkill ZoomOpener;
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to delete login item "ZoomOpener"';
rm -r ~/.zoomus
That second line is the ahah. This thing is able to keep trying to reinstall because it's in the "Login Items" for your login. So every time you log back into your Mac it runs ZoomOpener and tries to reinstall into ~/.zoomus/. (TBD exactly where ZoomOpener lives. I was tempted to install Zoom just to find out, but then sanity returned.)
So bottom line, delete the app, delete the .zoomus directory and delete the Login Item that tries to reinstall it. And delete the browser plugin as well (~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin). Oh and avoid Zoom like the malware that it is.