Looking for Open Source Professional video and sound editing software.
Let me first explain what my needs are. I'm looking to do radio broadcasting, music/editing and occasionally video as well. For sound, I want up to 24/192 support as well as being able to handle 5.1 as I have a mic that is capable of recording that and I would like to take advantage. Additionally, regarding video, I'm hoping to see support for up to 4K full color video. As it stands full color 1080p will do as I'm looking at bagging a film camera at that level.
Is there any Open Source software I can find that will support that or even more current software that I can actually own, both in software tangibly(discs/download) and my work(I've heard Adobe's current CC agreement gives them the right to use/steal your work)?
Any help would very much be appreciated.

(8,547 posts)[div class="excerpt" style="margin-left:1em; border:1px solid #bfbfbf; border-radius:0.4615em; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #bfbfbf inset;"]About Audacity
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems.
It can do 24/192, but you'll almost certainly need some ADC hardware interface to get audio at that sample rate into your computer. Before buying any hardware, you could try out Audacity with your built-in soundcard to see if you like it (and hopefully also determine if it will do what you need).
I'm not sure if it can do surround sound though - I believe it can export multi-channel audio files (probably requires a plug-in), but don't recall a way to monitor them in real time.
I don't know of any quality free open source video editors, but I'm not a video guy so I wouldn't really know.
(399 posts)What you create with Blender is your sole property. All your artwork images or movie files including the .blend files and other data files Blender can write, is free for you to use as you like.
Free to Use. Free to Change. Free to Share. Free to Sell Your Work.Blender is FREE SOFTWARE. that is the link from there official web