Will the 2022 OH US Senate Race be similar to the 2006 TN US Senate Race?
The 2006 TN US Senate Race was an OPEN seat US Senate Election(Frist-R was retiring) Democrats fielded a Top Tier candidate(Harold Ford Jr.) Republicans had 3 Generic candidates(Corker-R, Bryant-R, or Hilleary-R). Ford jr-D narrow lost to the Republican nominee(Corker-R).
The 2022 OH US Senate Race is an OPEN seat US Senate Election(Portman-R is retiring.) Democrats have a Top Tier candidate(Tim Ryan-D). Republicans have 3 Generic candidates(Mandel-R, Timken-R, and Vance-R).
2006 Democrats picked up 6 US Senate seats.
PA(Santorum-R lost to Casey-D by a landslide margin.)
OH(DeWine-R lost to Brown-D by a low double digit margin.)
RI(Chaffee-R lost to Whitehouse-D by a high single digit margin.)
MO(Talent-R lost to McCaskill-D by a narrow margin.)
MT(Burns-R lost to Tester-D by a narrow margin.)
VA(Allen-R lost to Webb-D by a narrow margin.)
PA(OPEN Toomey-R) Is Fetterman-D margin of victory over the likely Republican nominee going to be similar to Casey-D margin of victory over Santorum-R in 2006.
NC(OPEN Burr-R) The race is a statistical tie. The question is which Democrat is a stronger General Election candidate (Beasley-D or Jackson-D).
WI(Johnson-R) narrowly loses to either Godlewski-D,Barnes-D, Kaul-D, or Kind-D.