Al Gore
Related: About this forumAny one else here watching the 24 Hours of Reality today and tomorrow?
24 Hours of Reality - The Cost of Carbon is live! Take part in the show by finding out how you are paying for carbon pollution, adding your cost, then sharing with those who can help to end climate denial and put a price on carbon.

(6,476 posts)I didn't know about this.
(12,126 posts)Climate Reality Project this summer... my first presentations are this weekend. I had admired Mr. Gore before... but my admiration is now joined with increasing gratitude that he is doing this. I don't know who would be doing this important work if he wasn't doing it. He is quite literally saving the planet. Such a great soul and a humble person. If we get thru this... and we can... I hope that his role in this is finally recognized.
(6,476 posts)We need this if we're going to save ourselves and the other living things on earth. I have many reservations about our survival but do everything I can. I'm glad to see such wonderful people as Gore and yourself working to bring this pressing challenge to the fore. Every day I'm amazed at how little our climate reality is discussed and how often our attention is redirected to comparatively petty things.
Thanks for what you do.
(12,126 posts)around the globe doing what I am doing. And you can too... check out when the next training is and apply:
or set up a presentation for a group in your area... there are lots of presenters to choose from here:
Taking action helps ... trust me, it will help you feel better. AND there are ways to overcome this... once we get the majority of people recognizing there is a problem (here in the US), we can start working harder and faster on solutions.