Barack Obama
Related: About this forumWhy Obama will never, ever be elected president
I found this amusing... Beware of predictions!
Why Obama will never, ever be elected president
By Kylopod
Wednesday Nov 04, 2009 9:39 AM EST
Dec. 17, 2006: "Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary. I'll predict that right now." -- William Kristol
Dec. 22, 2006: "Obama's shot at the top will be short lived.... Hillary Inc. will grind up and spit out any Democratic challenger that gets in its way." -- Joe Scarborough
Mar. 19, 2007: "The right knows Obama is unelectable except perhaps against Attila the Hun." -- Mark Penn
Sep. 24, 2007: "Sen. Obama cannot possibly believe, and doesn't even act as if he believes, that he can be elected president of the United States next year." -- Christopher Hitchens
Dec. 24, 2007: "A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win." -- title of book by Shelby Steele
Jan. 26, 2008: "The 'could we beat Obama?' conversation is purely academic. It's over. The Clintons have defeated him already, because he is leaving South Carolina as 'the black candidate.' He won't win another state." -- Michael Graham, National Review
May 7, 2008: "{Obama} has shown he cannot get the votes Democrats need to win -- blue-collar, working class people. He can get effete snobs, he can get wealthy academics, he can get the young, and he can get the black vote, but Democrats do not win with that.... He will lose big." -- Rush Limbaugh
June 3, 2008: "Obama can't possibly be elected." -- Dick Morris
Aug. 4, 2008: "The Molten Core of Barack: Why Obama Can't Win." -- Alex Castellanos
Aug. 11, 2008: "As I wrote last December, 'the pundits can talk until they are blue in the face about Obama's charisma and eloquence and cross-racial appeal. The fact of the matter is that Obama has no chance of being elected president in 2008.' I am more convinced of this conclusion than ever." -- Steven M. Warshawsky, The American Thinker
Aug. 15, 2008: "Most people think Sen. Obama has this election in the bag, but in reality he stands very little chance of reaching the presidency because of the simple fact that he is far too liberal for America." -- Russ Duenow,
Aug. 31, 2008: "Mr. Obama is doomed to defeat.... Mr. McCain will win - and win big - in November." -- Jeffrey Kuhner, The Washington Times
Sep. 22, 2008: "John McCain will win the presidential election, Kellyanne Conway, one of the country's most respected Republican pollsters, tells Newsmax." -- Ronald Kessler
Oct. 9, 2008: "I have received numerous emails from Republicans and Democrats alike, asking whether I still think Obama will lose the election. Yes, I do. But what about the polls, they ask? The polls show that Obama is winning. No, they don't, as I will explain." -- Steven M. Warshawsky
Oct. 25, 2008: "{T}here are real signs pointing to a McCain victory this year, whether or not the mainstream media wants to acknowledge them." -- Steven M. Warshawsky
Oct. 28, 2008: "The Seven Reasons McCain-Palin Are a Lock to Win." -- Dan Perrin
Nov. 2, 2008: Obama will win the popular vote but lose the election -- Fred Barnes
Nov. 3, 2008: "I think John McCain will win a squeaker over Barack Obama." -- Ed Morrissey
Nov. 3, 2008: "Throw out the polls. All of them.... The fact is that no pollster truly knows what is going on this election cycle, because this election is unlike any other in the nation's recent history.... The final Electoral Vote tally will be 275-263 for McCain." -- Mark Impomeni, Politics Daily
Nov. 3, 2008: "The media could be the real mid-wife of the November 4th victory by Senator McCain and Governor Palin." -- Dan Perrin
(17,796 posts)it's not that Bernie and Obama are interchangeable, it's that Hillary's still the same.
(18,133 posts)Cha
(306,210 posts)so much more than sanders ever will.
Obama has been an excellent President and I don't appreciate the way BS has dissed him. It hasn't gone unnoticed by many of my African American friends, either.
(17,796 posts)is being disrespectful? I thought it was simply being human.
(306,210 posts)argue with you in the BOG.
This is our group.
(17,796 posts)and is why I'm backing out. Sorry for the intrusion, have a great day.
(82,383 posts)Hillary is 8 years more experienced than she was then.
Sorry this is no comfort to Bernie supporters.
And this being here does not make sense since this is the BOG. Maybe there are a few Obama supporters now supporting Bernie, but this belongs in the Bernie Group. A DU poll would probably show BOGGERs supporting Hillary for the most part.
(130 posts)Sanders is not a democrat.
(19,537 posts)tk2kewl
(18,133 posts)you're a couple of months late for that party
(37,468 posts)Democray, huh ? I have to try that species for dinner!
(306,210 posts)and now he's dissing him on the campaign trail.. and you can't really say all what BS has said about the President because his fans will alert on you.
(42,649 posts)Plus, you cannot really expect white voters to vote for a black man can you? And a black man with a very foreign sounding name at that!!!
While I am on the subject, who would vote for a Jewish Senator from Vermont who calls himself a Democratic Socialist? Jewish is bad enough, but a Socialist??!!
Easily the best post I have read this year.
(19,537 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)So these two "negatives" should lead to a positive.
(13,877 posts)a lot like the future.
(31,443 posts)Tommy2Tone
(1,307 posts)This belongs in the Bernie group.
(31,443 posts)far. These people have, the o.p. excluded, have spent the past 7 years trashing PBO & this group, and now they're here rec'cing crap that they think benefits BS. Besides that, this is not 2008, and several groups who spurred the President on to victory, are not aligned with BS.
(306,210 posts)defends him.. while the other guy who really isn't going to win tears him down.
WayneEdH @WayneEdH
NEW IA Poll (Monmouth):
Clinton: 48% - Sanders: 39%
#UniteDems For #Hillary2016!! #ImWithHer
BEAT Sanders & GOP!
6:28 AM - 21 Jan 2016
(82,383 posts)now suddenly Bernie who wanted Obama primaried is the New Obama? This is only for Bernie supporters' comfort. They try to talk themselves into the idea Bernie can win because Obama did.
(306,210 posts)Thank you!
(31,849 posts)Tommy2Tone
(1,307 posts)It is not about our president but a clumsy attempt to link Obama to Bernie. I for one am disgusted and if this mess stays then someone in charge kick me out the group.
(306,210 posts)don't think it belongs here in our BOG.. not for the sanders' fans.
We'll see what happens.. but, believe it.. the majority is against it.
(1,307 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)Cha
(306,210 posts)nothing but diss our President while he was President and out on the campaign trail, too.
And, then he denies it.. like we there aren't any youtubes of him doing just that.
You can bet so many of my African Americans friends aren't giving BS the time of day for just such this reason.
(37,468 posts)Cha
(306,210 posts)want it moved but she's on a time out because of those who got her 5 freaking hides and it wasn't Hillary supporters.
(37,468 posts)mahalo from Florida, and all the best to you and your family!
(306,210 posts)babylonsister
(171,736 posts)Sanders. I found it amusing that so many people were wrong about the President. Jeeze, people are reading way too much into it.
(306,210 posts)was the President and out on the campaign trail.
I wish you would have put this in the BS Group or in GDP.. where they obviously would appreciate it more as evidenced by all the supporters of sanders coming into the BOG
You see all the Obama supporters are not happy with this.
Thank you. We know what it's about.
(171,736 posts)People are too damned paranoid around here. And ftr, I have never posted in the BS group and am trying to keep an open mind and staying out of skirmishes on DU. You're not making that easy.
You know how much I really dislike Obama. This was actually posted as a compliment to him, but do what you gotta do and I'll just stop posting over here, because I don't want anyone telling me what to post, or think for that matter.
(306,210 posts)what to post. I'm saying this is our BOG and the majority of President Obama's supporters on here don't like this here. Majority rules, right.
I know you like the President but the majority here do not want this OP in our Group... you can see they're not happy.
The bernies are happy but we're not. Not fair.
(82,383 posts)while if this were posted at any other time, we would get it, but nowadays the first thing that comes to mind is the BS supporters using these very quotes to prove BS can still win - as the first response to the OP indicates. This post will attract BS supporters to the BOG. I see your point. It's just a natural conclusion at this time that BS supporters will be attracted to this post. GDP so often has this sentiment. I don't know how many times I have posted "Bernie is no Obama" in response to that.
(82,383 posts)Among many others. The Dem candidate needs to run with Obama and as his successor, not against him. Hillary is much better positioned to do that, not having dissed him or demanded he be primaries and having served in his cabinet!
(306,210 posts)build on everything he and his Team have accomplished. Not someone who's only tears him down.
That's just not going to do.
(306,210 posts)tear down President Obama. I don't think this should be posted in our BOG, either.
BS is no President Obama. As Hillary said at the debate.. Bernie wanted him primaried in 2012..
And, he's dissed him ever since.
Why didn't you post this in the BS group?
So many BOG members don't even like sanders for the way he's treated the President and then tried to wiggle out of it.
(37,468 posts)You, stevenleser and myself are all voting that this be moved to BS or GDP. The OP is also a group host, so with respect to her, I unlocked it. Maybe we need to get more votes of active group hosts ? I'm trying hard to be fair here.
(306,210 posts)And, even wanted him Primaried in 2012.. after the amazing Accomplishments of President Obama.
This should be in the BS group where they can appreciate something like this NOT HERE IN THE BOG
(37,468 posts)if that doesn't work, maybe gently clean your keyboard ? Shake it upside down first to get all crumbs and dust out, and then very gently wipe it with cloth lightly dampened by water.
(306,210 posts)Thank you!
(37,468 posts)Cha and I are both group hosts, and we both agree. I'm locking this.
ETA: My bad, I am unlocking. I did not realize you were a group host. I'm sorry. I see stevenleser is also a group host. So, we currently have 3 group hosts wishing for this to be moved, and one group host (yourself) voting to keep it here.
I'm leaving this alone for now.
(306,210 posts)it's just not fair for all the reasons I already gave, Steve.
I really thank you for this.. I know you support Bernie, too. But, this isn't right. Majority rules, right?
(37,468 posts)If she doesn't self-delete, I think soon we'll have overwhelming group host votes for locking. I'm willing to wait a few more hours. Yes, this belongs in BS or GDP, not here.
(306,210 posts)Steven Leser has hierarchy rank!
(177,109 posts)I don't like seeing this group put in the middle of the current primary wars. Thanks all.
(45,806 posts)The southerners will NEVER vote for a black man, let alone one named Hussein. People who say black hatred is over obviously don't live in the South!
I'm positive that's why people have been so hateful to him while he's been President. I'm very ashamed of my fellow white citizens.
I think they'll behave similarly toward Bernie too. Some people have become so hateful in recent decades, and I have no idea how we can ever change that.
It appears to be all repugs too! That being the case, Hillary would get the same treatment, because she's a woman, and the southern repug men don't believe a woman should ever be President!
I really hope Bernie wins the nomination, and the election! But remember: If we don't also elect Democrats to the congress, neither he nor Hillary will be able to do much.
(38,598 posts)because the conservative base still believe in them anyway.
(14,975 posts)I could clean up betting the other way.
(598 posts)Obama....
I don't think the states after NH are like they were with Obama.
(11,746 posts)I hope you have good rain gear.
George II
(67,782 posts)Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)this does not belong in the BO group and I'm sick of Sanders supporters trying to compare him to BO. You are NOT helping his cause and your running people away from him.
(171,736 posts)the wild predictions and the idiots who made them, but your outrage is noted.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)You think invading our group and posting this is cool? How would you like it if someone went into Bernie Sanders group and made a similar list as to why Hillary Clinton is going to be President. I used to respect you but now I don't.
(37,468 posts)click "About this group" at
The Polack MSgt
(13,475 posts)But I was blocked from the Bernie group for a comment pointing out Sanders' supporters disrespect of the President in a thread just last night.
I entered from a link on the home page, didn't realize I was in the Bernie group.
I left when told where I was posting as well.
But I cruise over to the BOG this morning and read this? This is B.S. - post it in your own enclave
(306,210 posts)needed this BOG in the first place so we wouldn't have to put up with them.
We asked to OP to lock it or move but she refused.. insisting the OP is "just about Obama".. uh huh. She is a host so we're letting it go.
Just hope nothing like this gets posted in our BOG again that brings in this divisive shite.. upsetting Obama supporters like this. It's too weird.