Barack Obama
Related: About this forumCarry on my DU friends.
Well it's become abundantly clear that it's time for me to pay the piper. Been fighting cancer but now there is no fight left-my fate is irreversible. I'm at a loss because being a dumb Marine all I know how to do is fight.
I know I'm nothing special to DU, my contributions were piss poor and I just had to apologize to my AA, LGBT and everyone else I should have stood up for. Not an excuse but you should know that having done the unspeakable during the war has left me with many issues including communicating properly. For every post I manage to make at least 20 have been scrapped due to uncertainty.
You should also know my name is Paul, Chicago born and have had many family members waving the union flag for the United Steel Workers. And of course I'm a lifelong non-apologetic Democrat.
I don't know what to say to Cha and always spoke for me and showed my a kindness seldom seen anywhere. I cherish knowing you. To Tarheel Dem, my first DU friend, I respect you so much and any cause thought important to you would have been just as important to me. Thank you. Thank you to all to long to list, still, know you all affected a life positively.
Please get Hillary elected. Please don't forget the important state/local elections where many good Democrats are poised to change the world. Please Skinner fix this or I will haunt your ass.
Please take care of each other.

(6,537 posts)We will get Hillary elected. Promise. You can watch from the other side.
(3,180 posts)but your post brought tears to my eyes. I wish you a smooth journey surrounded by the ones you love.
I have no doubt that your voice is every bit as important as anyone else's on DU.
(54,835 posts)
(7,719 posts)Sorry to hear of your health problems. It sucks, but what ya gonna do? When that time comes, know that there are a lot of us here to carry on the good fight. Being a marine, you have my utmost respect and thanks for volunteering to defend this country we all love so much. Without people like yourself, we are nothing.
After losing my wife to cancer, I am at peace with my mortality. We all gotta go sometime, but living truly is the hard part. The way I see it, we all get a turn at life. Some are fortunate enough to live a long life, others are not. When your turn is up, it's someone else's turn. I've narrowed it down to that.
Peace on ya brother!
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)
Rock on.
(31,723 posts)We will get Hillary elected, and some down ticket people, too.
We will remember you.
All DU members are valuable, whether they post often or not.
Maybe I will see you on the other side. They must have a place for good Democrats there.
(4,035 posts)We've never "spoken" on DU, but people like you are why DU is so important. Thank you for the time you've spent here, and good luck on your next big adventure.
The Polack MSgt
(13,522 posts)Be comfortable
(29,169 posts)

(8,254 posts)democrank
(11,253 posts)Emerson.....
But in the mud and scum of things
there always, always something sings.
(14,405 posts)Thanks for sticking with DU, when so many others have bailed.
(828 posts)pnwmom
(109,756 posts)And good medical care. Peace to you on this journey.
We care. Come back here anytime.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)There have been too many of us stricken with cancer, it is a global epidemic. May your suffering and pain be minimal.
(14,371 posts)
brer cat
(26,816 posts)and an easy passage, Paul.
(55,072 posts)
(47,723 posts)I hope your passing is peaceful and you find joy on the other side.
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)japple
(10,446 posts)it might not have been YYYYUUUUGGGEEE, it mattered. We all matter. Bless you for the life you've led, the kindness you've shown, the love you gave, the part you played. Peace and love to you and yours.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)And don't be late!
(2,983 posts)Death will come for us all, sooner or later... what is important is not how or even whether we die, but how we live in what time we have.
"I know I'm nothing special to DU, my contributions were piss poor and I just had to apologize to my AA, LGBT and everyone else I should have stood up for. Not an excuse but you should know that having done the unspeakable during the war has left me with many issues including communicating properly. For every post I manage to make at least 20 have been scrapped due to uncertainty. "
My Grandfather was a Marine who fought overseas - and he also did unspeakable things that left him deeply scarred for life. For all of that though, he was one of the greatest men I have ever had the honor of knowing. A world war II vet who used to tell me he felt worth his weight in wildcats. Even on his deathbed, he was not disheartened, not depressed, but full of the same humor and energy I had always known from him... jumping up and down on his hospital bed days before he passed, asking his seven year old grandson if he was still wearing diapers. Ah, I miss that man.
Everyone of us fighting the good fight here is special. I wish I could thank you for your service in the armed forces and as a democrat... in a way that didn't seem underwhelming. Some times there just aren't words for expressing gratitude and compassion.
I don't know what you believe in, some times I'm not even sure what I believe in... but if I have faith in anything, it's that the quest for knowledge, for wisdom, for enlightenment, for greater love... never ends. That comforts me when I think about my own death, that I believe there is something beyond this life, something grand and wonderful and peaceful.
Just remember that miracles happen every day - every time a child is born, every time someone makes a decision for peace instead of violence, every time someone saves a life or stands up for the oppressed. You are very much a part of this fight for progress, for democracy, for the fate and the future of the human race - and I am proud to have you with us.
I hope you find peace. I know that sounds inadequate... I hope you find everything you ever wanted or wished for. I hope you are deeply blessed and filled with love and compassion. Wherever you go from here, you made a positive difference, don't ever think otherwise.
It takes a lot of courage to stare into the face of death - you have my admiration and my respect.
(868 posts)Cancer sucks! I was lucky and beat it - but, as I said, I was lucky.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on heaven's scenes,
They'll find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
God Bless!
Lazy Daisy
(928 posts)Keep fighting for every precious moment. Find peace and joy with the time you have. Enjoy spring as the weather warms and the world around us explodes with beautiful color. Enjoy the company of old and new friends. Have those conversations, those moments of laughter. Fight for every damn moment, they belong to you.
(38,540 posts)
(3,826 posts)we will work hard, harder than you know. Keep an eye out for us, we will all be showing up one day. Peace be with you.
(19,460 posts)JackRiddler
(24,979 posts)SidDithers
(44,309 posts)You made an impact that can't be expressed with mere words.
Rose Siding
(32,625 posts)God speed. May each day bring you some joy.
(35,357 posts)We will work to get Hillary elected.
(42,862 posts)... strength and courage to your friends and loved ones.
flying rabbit
(4,813 posts)
(20,043 posts)
(44,052 posts)
George II
(67,782 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)We don't know each other but your beautiful post touched me. I wish you a peaceful leaving with loved ones around you. Thank you for being here, and you'd better believe we'll get Hillary elected.
(9,919 posts)Please be at peace. We are a nation of Looney Tunes, but the main feature really needs to be seen. I hope Hillary will help get us there. I have so much hope the turnout will be huge and a mandate undeniable.
Peace out....
(114,009 posts)(( ))
(2,382 posts)... for now, at least, and I have lost too many friends to the Big C. I am inexpressibly sorry for what you must be going through, but mere words cannot provide solace. Go in peace and know that you will live on in the memories of all DUers, regardless of who they supported in the primaries.
Mary Mac
(344 posts)May God be with you.
Omaha Steve
(104,589 posts)
(9,589 posts)the light on for the rest of us.
(12,815 posts)Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
I find no pleasure in them
before the sun and the light
and the moon and the stars grow dark,
and the clouds return after the rain;
when the keepers of the house tremble,
and the strong men stoop,
when the grinders cease because they are few,
and those looking through the windows grow dim;
when the doors to the street are closed
and the sound of grinding fades;
when people rise up at the sound of birds,
but all their songs grow faint;
when people are afraid of heights
and of dangers in the streets;
when the almond tree blossoms
and the grasshopper drags itself along
and desire no longer is stirred.
Then people go to their eternal home
and mourners go about the streets.
Remember himbefore the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,
and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
(1,901 posts)
(4,033 posts)& when you get to the other side I hope you meet my Dad a former Marine and unapologetic Democrat. Again, Semper Fi.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)hope you can beat the cancer yet!
(38,951 posts)You go to where many of your fellow Marines have already gone to.
(559 posts)To the other side!! We love you very much here on DU!!
(1,325 posts)We're all heading down range. Peace and love to you and yours!
Shadow Mayor Warrior for Peace
(14,400 posts)I hope you have friends and or relatives to help you through this. You are not alone now or ever.
(82,383 posts)Peace and love and good journey. Semper fi Marine.
(24,689 posts)Sorry to hear this but hang in there and keep contributing. Lets get Hillary elected!
(37,468 posts)I wish you and your family all the best, and I hope you see them in heaven/the afterlife one day. If you're not religious, Paul, then just take my words with the maximum kindness intended.
(30,439 posts)You have been a blessing to DU and it has been a pleasure to know you.
(5,435 posts)both your service to our nation, and for your contributions to the conversation here as well.
(23,176 posts)a gentle hug from me, ...a grateful widow of a Marine
Johnny Noshoes
(1,993 posts)The petty stuff doesn't matter in the end. Remember to "leave the campsite better
than you found it". If you leave it just a little better than when you first arrived people will say you done good.
You done good Marine!
(177,319 posts)I wish you peace and no pain.
(65,594 posts)babylonsister
(171,871 posts)such grace.
(9,688 posts)
(90,039 posts)There is a place in my heart for you. I am pleased you posted this in the BOG, it was where I got to know you, my friend.
May you pass gently into the night knowing you are loved and will be missed.
I am in tears.
Much love

(97,763 posts)BainsBane
(55,607 posts)
(10,407 posts)I hope you are blessed with peace and with love.
(11,266 posts)
(96,443 posts)Your loss will be felt.
Go with peace in your heart.
Fla Dem
(26,305 posts)Last edited Mon Mar 21, 2016, 11:38 AM - Edit history (1)
I hope what time you have left will be filled with love and peace. I can see by the many responses and love expressed here you are a special person who will be greatly missed.
(10,056 posts)May you ride the lightning in the afterlife.
Peace to you and your family.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)I hope you have a pain free and peaceful shuffle off this mortal coil.
(2,262 posts)Peace be with you and your family.
8 track mind
(1,638 posts)The only thing we have in common is our first names. I am a Bernie supporter. Your message moved me. Why don't we just give them absolute hell, well, just for the hell of it. Safe transition for you and Semper Fi.......
(8,445 posts)Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore.
Renew Deal
(83,603 posts)And there is nothing wrong with your posts. Your perspective is as unique and interesting as anyone's on DU. I wish you the best.
(40,271 posts)
All comfort and solace to you.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)

(27,985 posts)contributions to this site. You will be missed and remembered fondly.
(1,548 posts)1st Marine Div, 11th Marine Regiment - 4th Battalion.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)You are one of those posters that I would ALWAYS stop to read.
Please take care...
(5,126 posts)but I wish we had. So very sorry you have had to suffer this dreadful disease.
(1,454 posts)
(21,229 posts)you have more than just fight - you have humor and kindness too. Thank you for that. I wish you peace great white snark.
Algernon Moncrieff
(5,961 posts)You never know -- the Marines have been known to pull off the impossible.
(2,741 posts)every life is special...we come into this world as a book with blank pages, and what we write through our actions makes all the difference...Think of how truly unique you are...there is no other like you...PEACE...
(110,159 posts)Been a part of our every day lives. I remember a conversation and even giggle about... what snark. Goodness is what I experienced.
You have touched many peoples lives .
(56,914 posts)
(12,504 posts)I wish my farewell to you could be half as eloquent and touching as your farewell was to me, to us.
In the spirit of this political board, I can tell you that we will fight the good fight for Hillary and she will be the next President of the United States, and you can smile that it will come to be.
May this latest journey be calm and peaceful.
(53,661 posts)Because I loved what you did post, and felt good about what you posted on especially here in our home in the BOG. This comes as a shock to me as I didn't know why your posts were so infrequent.
But I enjoyed them for years. With love, I send you my very best, and know you will be missed by those of us who read your words here. I hope you are surrounded by your friends and or family at this time, and focus on the love and respect you deserved.
Good bye, dear friend, I always was fond of you and asked if anyone had heard from you. Post if you can in the coming days or not, know that you have nothing to apologize for a well-lived life. That's all we will get for our days on Earth.
And I'll be voting Democrat for you if you can't in November. Godspeed to the next realm, whatever it is.
Now, I'm gone again.
New Orleans Strong
(212 posts)...From a brave man. Fulfill what you still need to do and can do. And may it be a time for you to be with your favorite people, and for them to be lucky enough to be with your you.
- T.
(1,887 posts)May you cross gently. I hope to see you there.
(307,968 posts)

I remember when you wrote you wouldn't be around as much because you weren't feeling that well.. I thought of that every time I'd see you post or Rec one of our threads. Thinking maybe you were better.. I wish I would have written you and asked how you were. I'm so sad right now.. tears are just flowing.. it's such a beautiful farewell note you've written to all of us.

We're all special around here.. I would light up every time I saw your name and when you posted I would look forward to what you had to say.. what pearl and/or snark would be there. You're an excellent writer.
Thank you so much for being our DU friend and fellow President Obama and Hillary Supporter... I think we all treasure each other for the kindred spirit we feel, supporting such amazing leaders on a Democratic board, when we're in the minority.
Paul, I love your spirit and wish you and your loved ones Peace, Love, and Aloha~

for your service to our country and to your family members who waved the flag for the United Steel Workers!
Working our best to get Hillary elected now and she's doing her best to help with those important state/local elections you talked about..
Thank you so much for your sweet message of "Please take care of each other".

Aloha, Paul~

(21,047 posts)And to me.
Every member of this community makes DU what it is.
Beyond that, thank you for living the life you've lived, mistakes and all.
It matters.
You make a difference.
Your loss will be felt.
Memories of you will be cherished.
Don't stop fighting, though. To live every moment you have left with grace and kindness, if nothing else. They're all precious and worth that.
Besides, you're a Marine. The fight IS the victory.
Thank you for being part of DU, now and forever.
(1,447 posts)...and am grateful for the time I've had.
I may have quite a few years left.
I may have a few months left.
I may only have only a few days left.
But, I find myself hoping that I have made the kind of impact in life that you have most likely made, my friend.
Godspeed, and, if there is another side,.......see you there.
(27,995 posts)We will work hard to get Hillary elected. Peace.
(5,342 posts)can I talk you into staying in that fight? Are there any Vet groups you can get with to try a new path? Message me if you'd like me to do any type of searching for any help you need. I'd be honored to spend as much time as you need doing that for you.
And I love your message for DUers to take care of each other. I've come here many times over the past several months looking for information to counter lies I see online (because DU was always the place where fact-checkers against GOP lies helped me stay informed) and was disturbed to find page after page of cat and dog fights against each other with no discussion of the crazy issue of the day. I hope that for you folks will tone it down and remember we're all on the same team.
(26,371 posts)
(20,035 posts)
(66,246 posts)Nickel79
(81 posts)Tarheel_Dem
(31,443 posts)won't recover from very quickly. You've been one of my most favored DU'ers, and I will try and take strength from the courage you've displayed here. That's all I can say on the subject right now. Much love and respect to you. Please know that you're in my thoughts, and in my heart.
proud patriot
(101,615 posts)
(43,536 posts)BigBearJohn
(11,410 posts)joshcryer
(62,515 posts)I'm so sad but we all have to see the piper eventually, so I'm just hoping you a comfortable journey.
(11,833 posts)I love you.
(9,314 posts)You will be missed and not forgotten.
Peace be with you.
(1,245 posts)If not, let me wish you godspeed, and assure you ... ye will be missed.
(41,832 posts)I see by the other posts that you are much loved and respected. That makes me feel good that you know that.
All I can do is give you a virtual hug and say that I hope that I am as brave as you are when my time comes.
(1,545 posts)Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)This too shall pass, but you will live on.
(30,481 posts)
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)never forget that
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)Is this a joke ?
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)"my contributions were piss poor and I just had to apologize to [...] LGBT and everyone else I should have stood up for."
Emphasis mine. As I said: apology accepted.
(37,468 posts)Dustlawyer
(10,520 posts)Wishing you well on your continuing journey!
(48,724 posts)

(54,336 posts)disillusioned73
(2,872 posts)

(6,005 posts)Highway61
(2,578 posts)Thank you for your service. Peace, my friend.
(7,246 posts)and peace in the knowledge that you did your best and served well.
(56,582 posts)
(25,816 posts)Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Initech
(103,904 posts)
(22,727 posts)CHORUS:
Time, ferry me down the river, friends carry me safely over
Life, tend me on my journey, love call me home.
When the waters are deep, friends carry me over
When I cry in my sleep love call me home.
When the waters are cold, friends carry me over
When I'm losing my hold, love call me home.
When I'm weary and cannot swim friends carry me over
Open your arms and take me in, love call me home.
Take the gift I bring, friends carry me over
Deep within me life is singing, love call me home.
Life offers a chance for friends to carry us over
Time can stop or dance forever, love call me home.

(71,265 posts)
(63,645 posts)Thank you for being a DUer. I would be honored if you would stop by an haunt me sometime.
(23,272 posts)
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)NuclearDem
(16,184 posts)Your fellow Marines, this Airman, and the whole of this country's veterans--our brothers and sisters--are proud of you.
(578 posts)I don't personally believe that there's a Heaven with streets for us jarheads to guard, and if there were I'd certainly be looking to skate out of eternal guard duty because - well, because skating out of guard duty is what terminal Lance Coolies like me do.
But you've fought a harder fight than most, staying true (and out!) to your liberal ideals when most of our brothers-in-arms call us commies or worse, just for believing that people are more important than profit.
Sir, I relieve you.
(27,275 posts)as another member of the club no one wants to join
(85,266 posts)Thank you for all your TREMENDOUS contributions - throughout. I hope you can somehow stick around, in the physical world, but otherwise, I wish for safe and gentle passage, into eternal Love, Peace, and the Light. Your presence in the world has left it a wee bit better than you found it.
Third Doctor
(1,574 posts)
(9,522 posts)I didn't know you here, but I wish I had. Your post is touching, and I am shedding a few tears. You are a brave man, serving as a Marine, and now facing your transition with courage. Bless you, fellow DUer!
(813 posts)I was in the Air Force, and despite the usually good-natured inter-service rivalry and ribbing I always respected everyone who served honourably - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Active, Guard, Reserve and Auxiliary.
Not to mention that my uncle was a combat veteran Marine of the Korean War.
herding cats
(19,659 posts)You've made this site better every time I read your words.
I'm truly saddened to hear of your battle with cancer.
(159,250 posts)orleans
(35,689 posts)it's okay to let go.
and it is.
unfortunately i did not offer those words to my dad. i was younger then, not very familiar with death and loss, and i could only think of what life would be like without him when it would have been more kind, more wonderful, more selfless if i would have considered him and what he was struggling with rather then telling him to hang on and keep fighting.
twenty years later i was able to tell my mom that it was okay to let go. but i understood, at that point, she had no choice; she couldn't hang on, she was too weak to fight, and there was nothing anyone could do to save her.
and although she did pass on--she has given me *plenty* of signs & notice that she is still near me. (which is always greatly appreciated btw)
before you go know 1. that you are loved, 2. that you will be missed, 3. that you will be remembered, 4. and the world is better for having you in it.
you don't have to fight anymore. it's okay. i believe everything is going to be okay for you. you're going to be fine--perhaps more than you can imagine.
sending you love.
(2,495 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)

(10,716 posts)
(135,425 posts)And I will hope for a miracle.
(11,014 posts)I am so sorry to hear about the imminent inevitability we all must face some day.
(28,270 posts)I don't know you but if Cha is your friend that's all I need to know.

From one vet to another I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to the country.
(2,012 posts)You are a great person. We here at DU are lucky to have you here.
(32,886 posts)If they have something to try? I would try Sloan Kettering in NYC and MD Anderson in Houston.
Still hoping for a miracle for you.
(14,128 posts)Thanks for all you have done here on earth.
Peaceful journey.
(9,688 posts)
(135,425 posts)samnsara
(18,421 posts) get her elected. I hope you are still to here to read this. I am caring for my father.. a proud Marine....
(18,421 posts)...but I am sure you know that. Godspeed.
(71,042 posts)ificandream
(11,054 posts)Last edited Fri Jan 13, 2023, 03:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Paul, a tip of the glass (I don't drink, but ...) to you, my good man. And if only we'd listened to you about Hillary. Sigh.