Related: About this forumOrange Man vs Mousey Man
The US Congress is doing what they are ordered to do while being hoity toity and smug up there in our house and senate buildings. They were elected by the people to work for the people. Once in Conress and the initiation is is the supposed reason they went to Congress. They will do the bidding of the majority leaders in both chambers.
If the Orange Man and the Mouse Man want something done, Boehner(orange) and Reid(mouse) will push to get it done. Especially the repiglican members.
The democrats on the other hand are mousy like their leader. No guts. No force. No nothing. When they had the majority in both chambers, they still wimped out!!
Orange Man wins every time I check the score cards.
What's up with that?

(36,974 posts)Senator Al Franken wasn't sworn in until July 2009 and Teddy Kennedy died in August 2009.
Scott Brown took over Kennedy's seat in January 2010.
So, the democrats had a super-majority 60 votes in the Senate only for a few months.
It's the REPUBLICANS fault that things are not getting done in the Senate because they are filibustering just about EVERYTHING making the democrats come up with 60 votes for cloture. And we don't have 60 democratic senators.
That is WHAT is up with THAT

(45,728 posts)They are weak and we the people who want fairness in legislation have to ride them for being weak!! R U ok with them being weak?
(45,728 posts)Just not sure why you have so many threads to say the same thing.
(55 posts)Because the Dems need to get it out there. Speakout daily on the tv shows and news cycles. Radio, tv, street corners. Let the people know the repiglicans did this mess. Why they don't is beyond me.
Obama spoke about it during his news conference. Y can't the democrats in the senate and the house? Y can't the democrats in mayorships and city councils speakout daily?
Blame the repigs!!!!