Rand Paul panders to the libertarians Ann Coulter said she’d ‘drown’ if GOP doesn’t take Senate

Rand Paul panders to the libertarians Ann Coulter said shed drown if GOP doesnt take Senate
Scott Kaufman
19 Sep 2014
Despite his penchant for pandering to them, libertarians are increasingly unwilling to trust Rand Pauls commitment to their principles, MSNBC reports.
During a speech at the Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) a group featuring activists aligned with the liberty movement of his father, former Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul Paul provided his libertarian audience with the usually litany of complaints.
He began by noting that its Constitution Week, which Barack Obama celebrated by doing one more unconstitutional thing he started an unconstitutional war.
If you are considering voting for the Libertarian candidate in any Senate election, Coulter wrote, please send me your name and address so I can track you down and drown you.