Latin America
Related: About this forum8-Mile-Long Canvas of 12,600-Year-Old Rock Art Discovered in Amazon Rainforest Ancient Architects
(It's that goddawful obnoxious voice again, narrating this 4 minute video. Save yourself and turn the sound down really low!)
(Interesting discussion, good information.)

Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)Just discovered, going to listen to this tonight. Looks like beautiful photography! The opening minute shows the narrator sitting on a ledge under the rock paintings in Post #1.
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)This is all new material to me, and it definitely holds my attention closely. It's also wonderful seeing the terrain at ground level for the first time in this area, and the actual sites of former towns as the author walks through.
You won't feel you have wasted your time if you choose to watch this. Information is revealed I haven't heard, and you will feel far more familiar with the people's situation.
Had to step out and mention so good so far. The original people are so interesting, too, and I was astonished to see a doggy lying on the ground listening to the conversation with an actual Amazonian monkey lying flat along the doggie's back, taking it all in, along with his pal! Wow!
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)There's something revealed in it I have a feeling very few people have read or heard, yet. It absolutely blew me away! I won't be forgetting it.
(122,587 posts)I can watch the long video later. I made it about three seconds with the voice in the first video.
(36,631 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)It appears that guy has done quite a few videos, too, unfortunately!
Your solution is something I will be using repeatedly from now on. Thank you, so much!
(36,631 posts)A lot of youtube videos posted to DU have captioning available.
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)
(36,631 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)
(28,289 posts)Amazing Amazon!!
Thanks, Judi!
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)to the life which had been here forever already?
It was all just a big stage for them to "socially cleanse", rearrange, mutilate, devastate, and plunder to their hearts' content.
It's wonderful seeing attention and respect finally starting to develop, if it can survive what the orcs, trolls, and waves of MAGs (Make the Americas Great) have done from the first.
Thank you, so much, Duppers. Hope you will find it worthwhile.
(24,435 posts)Astounding discovery!
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)it would be almost impossible to get out of your mind for several days, I have NO doubt!
The degree of skill involved, alone, is staggering.
I'm not sure I'm strong enough to withstand such a vision in person, considering what it actually represents!
Thank you, Bayard!