John Kerry
Related: About this forumFYI.. C-Span1 to show 2004 Kerry-Bush Debate... 7 Eastern/4Pacific Time. You know, the one where Kerry won...

(35,392 posts)for accurately quoting Bush directly?
"I don't believe I ever said that!"
(10,117 posts)...everything was 'hard work.'
(9,688 posts)Last edited Sun Oct 21, 2012, 07:20 AM - Edit history (1)
you gave me a chance, all over again, to wonder how and why a man that stupid,that inarticulate, that simplistic, and, above all, with such a fundamental lack of interest in learning and lack of curiosity about the world could have ever been elected president. TWICE.
OK , he really wasn't elected honestly. But he should have lost RESOUNDINGLY. The election shouldn't have been close enough to steal.
I had to keep reminding myself that that moron on the screen had already been president FOR FOUR YEARS at the time of the debate.
And, yeah, sure, Karl Rove and related Republican thuggery hold a big part of the blame.
But, biting my nails through this election, I have to say that I also hold the American people responsible. Starting in 1980, a too-large chunk of the electorate has based its political choices on fear. Fear of change, fear of The Other, fear of the truth, fear of everything. It's high time we break free of this miasma. If we don't , our country-- or at least our democracy-- is finished.
(10,117 posts) I agree with every word, ESPECIALLY the part about holding the American people responsible as well. It is amazing how an 'eight years out' perspective really illuminates the incompetency of GW Bush. Wasn't he AWFUL? He really should have lost resoundingly...if people were even partly paying attention and not taking our democracy for granted.
I'm sure people here know I believe he was never elected...honestly...either time. But voters were asleep, and the media got away with their own agenda without anyone being awake enough to hold them accountable.
I am VERY worried there will be a repeat this year and it scares me to death. I know President Obama has done a lot to get people involved and awake and informed, I just hope the majority ARE informed and do their civic duty to vote.
(35,392 posts)was with Florida's electoral votes.
If any Dem running for Pres had a brother as Governor in the state where the balloting was so f*cked up and the race was statistically tied, the "liberally-biased media" would have been all over the "fraud". As it was, Bush43 got away with, almost literally, murder.