John Kerry
Related: About this forumGreat editorial on Kerry's speech on Israel -- posted in the John Kerry group
What is most interesting is not anything on Israel or JK's comments - all of that has been reported hundreds of times, what is interesting - as so many chicken Democrats follow the Israel first Schumer - are comments that go far beyond Kerry's diplomatic comments by Secretary of Defense nominee, Mattis:
Mattis also warned that Israeli settlements threaten the existence of Israel itself: Either it ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs dont get to vote apartheid. That didnt work too well the last time I saw that practised in a country. So weve got to work on this with a sense of urgency.
Hes right, of course. But given the high stakes, it will be fascinating to see what Mattis says about this issue during his Senate confirmation hearings later this month.
Link to oped in the Toronto Star -
I "saved" one paragraph to post this saddest, but unfortunately likely true paragraph:

(12 posts)soon.
(60,153 posts)given how unpopular criticizing Israel in any way is, why did Obama allow the abstention and why did Kerry speak out.
I think the reason is that this is the final point where Israel could turn back. If, as seems likely, Netanyahu's legacy will be to have created a Greater Israel - in land mass - that will abandoned most of the idealism that existed when Israel was first an idea and then a country. Liberal Zionism, which the lion's share of American non Orthodox Jews believe in will be dead and supporting an nation that is overtly apartheid will be impossible for a large percent of American Jews.
One observation -- It is in some ways fitting that John Kerry is ending his time as Secretary of State speaking an unpopular truth - just as he did when he first gained public attention as the very intelligent, eloquent, 27 year old speaking to the SFRC. He will have, among other things, been the essential person for getting the Iran Deal, which avoided a war, and the Paris Climate Change Accord and several other environmental accomplishments during his time in power. The fact, that after all these years, gaining the power he has had and owning the accomplishments he has, his public time (up to this point) has as bookends, two very tough courageous speeches speaking truth to power. He is one of the very few politicians who have spoken of moral duties and he has lived up to them.
(9,688 posts)I especially appreciate it that they describe the current regime in Israel as "extremists," which they ARE, and which Kerry also emphasized in his own speech.
And - yeah - I know who butters his bread - but SHAME on Schumer and his fellow chicken Democrats.
And sadly accurate about the "last constructive contribution". . .
(60,153 posts)There is something to be said for giving a speech as publicly as he did, calling on people to change, that he has ample reason to know - won't. In addition, all the controversial parts were said years ago - mostly before Jewish American groups.
It may be that some country - France? Russia! - could push the parameters he defined, but sadly, Israel with Trump actually pushing to the right - would have less reason to consider moving in this direction.