Men's Group
Related: About this forumCop slaps an old man (because...he's a man)
So they say men are the default. THAT is largely the way people point out the sexism inherent in our culture. And they are right!
What they fail to make mention of is that it also means that incidences like this are largely accepted and no thought is given to the gender implications (because...default, right?)
Well, this old man gets slapped down and yes, it's because he's homeless, but it's also because he's a man.
Take a look and you are seeing the violence that men face as a part of being a man.
It is an issue. It is a man's issue and I will speak about it here in the man's group because you, your father, your son, your uncle and your brother may face this violence. And it deserves to be discussed.

Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)Veilex
(1,555 posts)That cop needs to be fired.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I saw my father get put in a chokehold one time for doing nothing more than asking what was going on while two others were being arrested.
(29,257 posts)The threat of physical violence is so much a part of our background noise that I doubt women could ever really understand what it feels like.
(12,778 posts)It deeply saddens me that so many people treat the homeless as somehow less than human.
There but for the Grace of God go I. That's an attitude we should all take when we see the less fortunate.
(29,257 posts)Actually forget it. I would have already seen it because it would be world news and would rise to the level of a Presidential issue.