Men's Group
Related: About this forumThere is something I would like to discuss and can't seem to find the right Group to fit it into
So I'm going to butch it up some and talk about man caves (after all whats a man without his grown up toys).
I recently installed an new entertainment center in my "man cave" that has a 55 inch lg cinema 3d smart tv with magic wand remote control and a 3d bluray stereo surround sound system. Not only can you watch 3d programs, you can convert 2d to 3d (I didn't understand this at first, but basically you don't have things jumping out at you when you convert between the two but you do get a level of depth that puts HD to shame.
I don't go out much any more but I do have friends over quite a bit so I decided to invest in a kick ass entertainment center.
Does anyone else here have 3d tv? or smart tv's? I'm still working on the smart tv part but the magic wand remote control has been a big help.
I hope this fits into the SOP for this Group.

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)We don't have a smart tv or a 3D tv, but a nice 50 in. HDTV that we got a bunch of years back. I probably know more than I should about HDTV technology, for a bunch of reasons, but I won't bore anyone with the details. Suffice it to say we've been pretty happy with what was at the time a semi-cutting edge technology that has since been edged out by cheaper mass-produced LCDs.
At some point in the future, though, we'll probably have to replace it. I have not seen the 2D to 3D content; my hesitation on a 3DTV would be the lack of actual 3D content, but of course when we bought our original HDTV there was a lack of THAT content, and that changed fast. I'm a video game player, and I would think THAT would be one area where 3D could be really cool.
I'm with you; we maybe get out to the theater for movies once or twice a year, tops- not just because of the kids but also because frankly there is little that is really worth paying 10 bucks to sit in a theater for. Meanwhile, there's stuff on TV that is must-see, I think. Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones (worth the price of HBO, to my mind) ... so it's the whole cocooning thing.
Only thing, I wouldn't call our tv room a "man cave". It's more like the "pick up your damn legos first or you can't use the kinect, since someone will kill themselves" cave.
(56,860 posts)Last edited Sun Sep 9, 2012, 11:39 PM - Edit history (1)
VUDU has several 3d movies online that can be rented through the app on the tv and I signed up for "Wealth3d" which is 3d 24/7 (has a lot of interesting destinations Plus safari's thats pretty cool to see in 3d).
I forgot to mention this tv is less than the width of my thumb (talk about technology!).
Since you mentioned games, I play a lot of them and one of my favorites is "Command & Conquer Generals zero hour" from several years ago. Playing this game in 3d has taken it to a whole new level and EA is releasing Command & Conquer Generals 4 early next year. Also Stronghold3 is awesome in 3d. Seems like all my games look better.
Given my living arrangements, my whole house is my man cave (i've earned it).
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Fun stuff.
I could in theory hook a computer up to the HDTV, but for some reason I still have that mental block separating computer from entertainment. Back in the day I played games on the computer, but now not so much.
My son really digs those sorts of games, too- the strategy, build your base, control the forces sorts of games.
(56,860 posts)I don't have to wear my glasses.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Half the time I'm posting on an ipad, while on the exercycle (multi-tasking); got my contacts in and then I need the reading glasses to go back the other direction.
So I hear you.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)William769
(56,860 posts)
Since this is DU, all I will say is, I'm taking full advantage of my 3d glasses.

(29,257 posts)It is perpetuating an obnoxious myth. Namely that men are the ones that sit on their asses, like kings in a castle, watching the boob-tube.
In reality, watching big-screen tv's has nothing at all to do with being a man.
I would close it and ask you to put it in the lounge if I was host.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Eh, I like TV, I like cool TVs, I like technology, and I have been occasionally known to sit on my ass and watch said TV. I play video games on the TV. I think the whole 3D TV thing is a fascinating emergent technology, even if it's not all the way there yet (and, from what Bill's saying, maybe it's more there than I thought) And, I am a man.
My wife is not a man, and she likes to watch the TV, too. She does not like the video games as much as I do, but then I don't like Downton Abbey quite as much as she does. Go figure.
I can't speak for the other two hosts, but, nah, doesn't bother me.
(56,860 posts)
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)William769
(56,860 posts)They nailed all the characters.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what happens as they bring the story into the 1920s.
(29,257 posts)But I think it is unrelated to having, in my case, an 8 inch dangling piece of man-meat.
(56,860 posts)Is that all?
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)could be due to my Northern Latitude.
(29,257 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)(We don't normally waste a lot of time on crap tv, although for some odd reason food porn can be mildly entertaining- I like to see how people cook different things- and Sunday Nights is a wasteland with no Breaking Bad.)
Anyway. I don't know why, but reading your post immediately right after that, made me laugh.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)In retrospect, I probably should have just gotten a regular TV. I never got into the 2D-3D convert mode, and there just isn't that much 3D content out there on blueray. It was kind of neat when I first got it, but I can't remember the last time we watched a 3D movie.
(3 posts)We see in 3D, why settle for only 2 dimensions? I have a high performance second generation 3D and find with its blu-tooth glasses and 240 frame rate delivers 3D as good as it gets, and I saw the originals in a good theater. Movies like Avatar and Hugo look amazing on 3D TV, as were done using state of the art technology. Many normal movies and shows benefit from 2D to 3D conversion done by the TV at the flick of a button, real time. Check the avsforum site-- as I agree with comments there that 240 frame rate and processing improves most all sources-- makes them clearer, smoother. The big surprise for me was what it does- amazing effects on STILL PHOTOS ! You have to see it to really understand, but it adds texture, detail, controllable depth and pop out so that relationships of image elements become more clear-- due to relief/3D and great depth,is more effective on the still image than moving. Try it on nature photos, fantasy art and ESPECIALLY GREAT ART. On a disc of Monet art the effect is startling-- the texture of brush stroke emerge, the form , volume of trees and clouds and smoke balloon up, out, back. Forms like ocean waves, smashed together in 2d, now have space, volume, depth, and a realism that clarifies the scene. I like the fact the the brain is composing depth and creating the 3D image--- you look toward the TV and the screen but the screen morphs into an expanded field- forward and back-- no longer tied to the flat panel.
(56,860 posts)I have not tried looking at pictures yet in 3d but I will now.
Welcome to DU!
(3 posts)Best advice-- experiment with settings. I first set all TV 3D settings to max, to see effect, later reset to lower if needed. Use the Ken Burns effect as found in many slide show software like Picasa. The motion/panning and especially the zooming involved intensify the effect. Move a bit closer to the TV- it increases the perceived depth. Or put a still image up-- watch it for longer than usual-- many times you will see the depth DEVELOP AND INCREASE, or scan different parts of the image and see depth you had not realized. Try many different types of photos and art as depth cues of some type are needed. I understand results vary also depending on quality of conversion built into your electronics, the Samsung 2011 D8000 does it well. I like the real time conversion due to ease and good results , you can also get software and do conversions manually, but I am so happy with results that haven't done it yet...... tomorrow?
(3 posts)In depth reporting - 4 page article, on this Santa Cruz neuroscientist's experience after viewing the 3D movie.