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Younger adults are more willing to share dating expenses
When women debrief each other about their recent dates, one of the first questions that come up is, Did he pay? Well, most men are still paying for dates, but wish women would pay sometimes too, according to a paper presented over the weekend at the American Sociological Associations annual meeting in New York City.
The ritual of men taking out women dates back to the time when men earned more because most jobs were not accessible to women. By treating women, men were also showing their ability to provide for them in the future. But now that the percentage of men and women in the paid labor force is about equal and 28% of women are making more money than men in households where both partners work the studys authors wanted to know if that shift in gender roles has contributed to womens expectations about who pays the tab.
The study, which surveyed 17,607 unmarried, heterosexual men and women using a questionnaire posted on, found:
84% of men and 58% of women said that men paid for most dating expenses.
39% of women hoped men would not ask them to contribute.
44% of women were annoyed when men expected women to pay.
44% of men said they would stop seeing women who never pay for dates.
64% of men believed women should pick up from time to time, though 76% said they felt guilty saying so.
4 in 10 men and women said that dating expenses were usually shared within the first month, and nearly three-fourths (74%) of men and 83% of women said theyre shared by the sixth-month mark.

(17,990 posts)... somebody's forgetting something!
-- Mal
(19,288 posts)But attraction is more like a magnetic field. For me it is much more romantic when the man pays. At least at first.
I like to be the feminine one in the relationship after all these years of ponying up my half. It's good to be the girl.
And to have the male be feeling like a man. That's when the sparks fly. And that's the good part. It still works the same way after all these centuries. We can't rewrite biology.
(16,399 posts)After that, an equitable "You got this one, I'll get the next" should go on. Although I have a tendency to like to spoil my lady.
I'd be very interested to see how this breaks down across education and income lines. I've found a number of women in menial jobs and with no room for growth openly talk about men as being little more than a cash machine to eventually shower them with gifts like cars and nice clothes as the relationship goes along. I also know some guys who are clearly coasting on the backs of their girlfriends with good jobs.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Behind the Aegis
(55,151 posts)
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Christ, there's a whole obstacle course of mental rigamarole around dating I'm just so glad to have behind me.
Not that marriage doesn't have its own rigamarole, but once you're into the 2nd or 3rd decade of it at least you know where all the tires are buried.
Behind the Aegis
(55,151 posts)Who ever asked, paid. I am glad I am not having to date either. What a pain!
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)First date with my wife didn't go so great. Fortunately things got better quickly.