Related: About this forumSTOCK MARKET WATCH -- Wednesday, 21 December 2022
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday, 21 December 2022
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SMW for 20 December 2022
AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 20 December 2022
Dow Jones 32,849.74 +92.20 (0.28%)
S&P 500 3,821.62 +3.96 (0.10%)
Nasdaq 10,547.11 +1.08 (0.010%)
Market Conditions During Trading Hours:
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DU Economics Group Contributor Megathreads:
Progree's Economic Statistics (with links!)
mahatmakanejeeves' Rail Safety Megathread
mahatmakanejeeves' Oil Train Safety Megathread
Quote for the Day:
What conservatives really hate most is a fair fight, which brings out their inner wimp. In the spring of 2001, when CNN revamped the tired format of Crossfire and introduced fiery liberal Democrats James Carville and Paul Begala to the lineup, Republican leaders started muttering about a boycott. An informal directive to avoid Crossfire leaked out from the office of the Senate Republican leadership, perhaps in an effort to intimidate the aggressive new hosts or the CNN management.
Conservatives aren't really worried about liberal bias, because they know that it doesn't exist. They just prefer a fixed fight.
Joe Conason. BIG LIES: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth. Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press. (c) 2003
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(113,131 posts)as soon as Reagan announced he'd veto the Fairness Doctrine. It became two frothing RWNJs screaming at one very tepid liberal. I guess ratings went up because Middle America loves a freak show. I don't know if TFG changed it, I haven't tuned in for 40 years.
Conservatives, especially the fundagelical conservatives, really hate it when somebody sees through their bullshit and calls them on it.
(18,106 posts)Glad you liked it!
I have several of Conason's books, and thought THE BIG LIE would provide an appropriate quote given all the recent revelations about lying in the previous administration, as well as the newly elected congressman from New York, who appears to be nothing but lies. When I opened the book and literally on that page saw the word "wimp," I knew I had the QFTD right there.
And yes, they really are wimps. I no longer even make the effort to counter their BS. It's a total waste of time and energy.
Happy Solstice, and any other holidays you happen to celebrate!
(113,131 posts)the forced cheer of holidays I don't share to be soon over and done with for another year, and maybe this is the year "Standard" time will be smothered to death under an avalanche of public resentment over the spring time change.
I not only refuse to counter their BS, I don't even know most of what it is these days, quite frankly. My TV hasn't been watched since last June because I can't find the remote after the move (moving while blind is horrific) and can't be bothered to buy a universal remove and struggle to program the damned thing.
(18,106 posts). . . .that I need to cancel my cable TV. We don't watch the actual television at all any more. I don't think I've had mine turned on since the 2020 election, and maybe before that. It's old and we had been thinking of replacing it, but then, why bother if we don't watch it?
And the provider raised the rate this month, added injury to the outrage, or maybe the other way around?
(113,131 posts)I got it mostly for TCM. When Osborne gave up programming, they decided to be young and hip and attract a younger audience, showing the same crap everybody else did. Then they started showing a wider variety of crap but going to a list of somebody's favorites and if I had to watch James Dean pout and mumble his way through one more performance, I was going to start smashing things.
About the only thing I really liked was Battlebots, and I suppose I'll stream Discovery next spring for that. My inner geek must be satisfied.