STOCK MARKET WATCH: Tuesday, 5 December 2023
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Previous SMW:
SMW for 4 December 2023

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 4 December 2023
Dow Jones 36,204.44 -41.06 (0.11%)
S&P 500 4,569.78 -24.85 (0.54%)
Nasdaq 14,185.49 -119.54 (0.84%)

Gold & Silver:


Quote for the Day:
Thus, Trump, like many deposed demagogues before him, may well use his supporters willingness to die for him to bargain an escape from ever standing trial. He would in effect be saying to his successor, Dont you dare try to punish me for breaking the law. I will ignite a civil war and ruin the country if you do.
John W. Dean; Bob Altemeyer. Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers. Melville House. © 2020.
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