Low Pay, No Benefits, Rude Customers: Restaurant Workers Quit At Record Rate
In those rare quiet moments, millions of restaurant workers like Cornett found themselves thinking about the realities of their work. Breaks barely long enough to use the restroom or smoke a cigarette. Meals inhaled on the go. Hostile bosses, crazy schedules and paltry, stagnant pay.
To top it off: rude customers, whose abuses restaurant staff are often obligated to tolerate. And lately, testy diners have only gotten more impatient as they emerge from the pandemic shutdowns.
Cornett, off work for a few weeks, realized he received enough money through unemployment benefits to start saving for the first time. He wondered if the work he loves would ever entail a job that came with health insurance or paid leave.
"I was working what I decided was going to be my last kitchen job," Cornett said.
Read the rest at: https://www.npr.org/2021/07/20/1016081936/low-pay-no-benefits-rude-customers-restaurant-workers-quit-at-record-rate?utm_source=pocket-newtab

(14,353 posts)
(4,207 posts)do away with the antiquated and racism based tip system.
Just pay people like they do in other developed countries.
(24,954 posts)stuck at the 1980s rate still to this day. And who is fighting these efforts? Shifty company owners who want slave labor, and others to continue increasing their wealth at everybody else's expense (literally). Enough. If a business can't survive on anything but substandard wages, then perhaps it is time for that business model to go away, be totally revamped/changed.
Since Congress (republicans) are blocking wage increases and have been for so long, Covid presented an opportunity that min. wage workers, stuck in limbo land at min. wage rates, finally realized their plight and said 'screw it', and are refusing in droves not to return to such substandard jobs. I wish them the best, absolute best, perhaps this is how things can get changed for the better since anything in Congress is being / has been stymied repeatedly.
(17,602 posts)For not just waitstaff, but the entire restaurant staff (bussers, hosts, etc). We went to a Zipline tour and paid about $90/person. We were informed at the end that staff were paid tipped wage and all requested tips at the end.
Id rather pay a flat price for the meal that is higher than the usual so that ALL the workers are getting a decent wage instead of relying on the kindness of increasingly rude customer base.