Unions Representing Six Million Workers Demand an End to All U.S. Military Aid to Israel

Representatives of UE and other unions rallied at the White House December 1 to support hunger strikers demanding a ceasefire. Photo: UE
July 23, 2024 / Luis Feliz Leon
Seven national unions representing 6 million workers in the United States called on President Joe Biden today to end all military aid to Israel. The news came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a wanted war criminal, came to Washington to speak to Congress tomorrow.
Its an unprecedented demand, coordinated across some of the nations biggest unions. The unions that signed the letter are the Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA), Postal Workers (APWU), Painters (IUPAT), National Education Association, Service Employees (SEIU), the Auto Workers (UAW), and the Electrical Workers (UE).
Delegates at the APWUs national convention last week passed a resolution calling on the government to halt all military aid to Israel and stop using our tax dollars for more war.
Last fall, Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 3000 and UE issued a call demanding a ceasefire soon after Israel began its assault on Gaza following the Hamas attack of October 7. That letter garnered the support of 248 unions, labor councils, and labor organizations representing 9 million members, including the UAW, APWU, AFA-CWA, IUPAT, NNU, and NEA among others.
FULL story at link.