Related: About this forumStudents/kids aren't major Covid transmitters,
but the adults in the school community are. Just now, a doctor on CNN said that the overall community needs to have almost zero cases for schools to open despite this. He said that the teachers, support staff, parents, etc who come in contact with the students are the danger and they spread it to the rest of the overall community.
When someone gets sick at a school site the whole thing is going to have to quarantine for two weeks, go back to school, get reinfected and quarantine, etc until all the cases everywhere are down to a certain of percentage of the population.

(38,601 posts)And neither does the cdc. School will be a mess.
Because persons with asymptomatic and mild disease, including children, are likely playing a role in transmission and spread of COVID-19 in the community, social distancing and everyday preventive behaviors are recommended for persons of all ages to slow the spread of the virus, protect the health care system from being overloaded, and protect older adults and persons of any age with serious underlying medical conditions. Recommendations for reducing the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home and practicing strategies such as respiratory hygiene, wearing cloth face coverings when around others, and others are available on CDCs coronavirus website
(54,284 posts)are getting.
The push to reopen is based on a need for childcare so people can go back to work and Donny Bodybags can say employment is rising.
Lot's of people will die as a result of it.
(229,047 posts)
(3,763 posts)From the Russian bounty on our soldiers heads and the tell all book of his niece.
And, the media has fallen for it.
He cant make these schools open.
(52,637 posts)I have been thinking the same thing and then I read it elsewhere and now you are saying the same is a distraction!
A distraction from the Russian bounty and any maybe the SCOTUS and his tax rulings.
(41 posts)The chances of getting infected are higher indoors. Which makes classrooms potentially dangerous places. Especially since one teacher cannot ensure social distancing and mask-wearing at all times. Although the chances of kids developing serious cases are less, the disease does severely affect children with immunity deficiencies. Kids are transmitters, even if they are asymptomatic. Beta Stadler, a Swiss biologist, recently claimed that there is no such category as "asymptomatic" when it comes to Covid-19. He argues that no symptoms means no infection, which doesn't at all explain the huge percentage of cases that have turned out to be asymptomatic. We can't explain away these instances using the "false positives" argument. Reopening schools hurriedly will result in more deaths. Parents, teachers, and the elderly who interact with students at close quarters will be at high risk.
Sociologists and public health experts have been saying this for a long time now: improve healthcare spending and make public healthcare robust; segmented healthcare cannot be the answer (See: Society: The Basics). Even the UK and US, countries cited as examples of good public healthcare systems, have fallen short.
(52,637 posts)This "novel" virus is a real mystery in so many ways. Little kids have as much of the virus in their bodies but are often asymptomatic but scientists are studying how much it transmits to others. Older kids/teens transmit it as much as adults do.