Related: About this forumDeSantis's War on "Woke" Colleges Gets Even More Absurd--and Dangerous
Source: New Republic
DeSantiss War on Woke Colleges Gets Even More Absurdand Dangerous
Melissa Gira Grant
Tue, October 24, 2023 at 6:00 AM EDT·5 min read
The conservative attacks on public education in Florida have become ever more extreme under Governor Ron DeSantis. Now theyre also becoming so absurd and so totalizing that they forbid taking a stand on them in any direction. It would be a fantastic act of satire were it not also so dangerous.
Back in May, DeSantis signed into law Senate Bill 266, banning the states public colleges and universities from using public funds to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, or promote or engage in political or social activism. But the law, which took effect in July, never defined those terms, instead leaving that up to the Board of Governors that oversees those state schools. Now the board has done just that. In draft regulation obtained by The Chronicle of Higher Education, the board proposes that the ban apply to all campus programs and activities in which the college or university endorses or promotes a position on topics that polarize or divide society among political, ideological, moral, or religious beliefs, positions, or norms.
As University of South Florida general counsel Gerard Solis said, in a faculty senate meeting last week, I cant think of anything that doesnt polarize society along those lines. Should the boardwhich is composed mostly of DeSantis appointeesapprove the proposed language, Floridas public colleges and universities will be gagged so sufficiently that discussion of DeSantiss sputtering run for president might not be permitted on campus. DeSantis is hoping to produce an environment in which his opponents second-guess how or even if they can speak out. In fact, the regulation appears to even prohibit those on campus who have received public funding from either supporting or opposing the regulation itself.
The proposed regulation is of a piece with similar moves by Florida Republicansmost famously, the Dont Say Gay law and the Stop Woke Actthat are designed to be enforced not so much by the authorities as through a chilling effect in the classroom. They are also part of DeSantiss ongoing self-branding exercise in destroying public education. Student groups advocating for social issues that directly impact them, such as university funding, free-speech rights, and even religious freedom will be stripped of all support, while faculty will be intimidated into not sponsoring such groups on campus, said Andrew Gothard, president of the United Faculty of Florida union.
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(16,500 posts)Native
(6,988 posts)Then get rid of him. I know you didn't do this, but your state voted for him overwhelmingly, TWICE. The second time even more than the first time, which honestly shocked me. Yet, I keep hearing that Florida is a great welcoming, place for gay people like me to come visit. (serious bullshit!)
I have gay friends down there telling me they are planning to leave as soon as possible. One gay friend of mine who has had a family vacation home down there for decades has told me he will never go back. He said he doesn't even recognize Florida anymore. The last time he went down there he said it was way too dangerous, and he did not feel safe to the point he won't go back. This is from person who has been a part time resident for over 30 years.
That is fucking sad as hell. Your hate for DeSantis may have no bounds. But your state government as whole has told us in no uncertain terms that we are not welcome. The rest of us cannot change your state. YOU have to do that. So quit complaining, get off your ass and start campaigning.
If you can't do that, then Florida should be kicked out of the USA.
I'm sorry, as a gay man, I am done with Florida. When gay people are afraid to go there, it should no longer be part of the USA. No one should be afraid to travel anywhere in a country that claims to be "free".
As gay man in Chicago, I can't do shit to change your state. YOU have to do it, so get busy. Otherwise, your words are hollow.
Silent Type
(8,631 posts)but Im sure there will be plenty of law suits, etc., as there should be. DeSantis and his supporters suck.
(1,033 posts)big dollars to attend universities that are little more than daycare. The value of diplomas from FL colleges, universities, and high schools will be significantly discounted.
No one with an ounce of sense would let their kid attend a college in Florida, especially if they were:
(3,213 posts)There are some things I'd like to see (Key West, Universal Studios theme park, Kermit Weeks Fantasy of Flight) but that Puddin' Boots was reelected BY OVER A HALF MILLION MORE VOTES tells me all i need to know
(94 posts)So sad, what a neat collection he has, that and the Sun n Fun fly ins they had there were wonderful... no longer I guess.
(2,760 posts)much less define it.
Dumber'n a ten pound bag of stupid.
Just like abbott.