Related: About this forumGot a question,
What can anybody tell me about Kelly Educational Staffing, part of the Kelly Services temp empire? Columbia Mo just went to KES for their substitute teaching contract, outsourcing the staffing of substitutes for a public school system. I'm wondering what the pay is like, and what sort of qualifications you have to have in order to be hired there. I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't have to have near the qualifications under KES to sub as you do under the school district.
Any other information would also be appreciated.

(96,793 posts)Other than that I don't know much about them.
(34,179 posts)I was under the distinct impression that teachers were scoring the MAPS. Thanks.
Creeping privatization, bit by bit.
(96,793 posts)They used both when I was a scorer about 5 years ago. Not sure what they do now.
(20,729 posts)Human Resources Department
Substitute Teaching Information
All persons interested in substitute teaching in Auburn City Schools must apply with Kelly Educational Staffing and submit to the required fingerprinting and background check.
Substitute Pay Rates:
$60 Full Day
$30 Half Day
Teacher Aid/Special Services Asst.
$58 Full Day
$27 Half Day
Child Nutrition Program/Custodians
$7.25 Hour
Interesting, even if they only run a 6-hour day, sub pay = $10/hr, and 'aid' (sic) pay is only $2 less.
also this:
This for SC:
Daily Substitute Teacher Pay Scale
In 2004-05, Rock Hill Schools partnered with Kelly Educational Staffing to provide daily substitutes....
- Substitutes with a high school diploma and less than a 4-year college degree $55.00 per day (wtf?)
- Substitutes with a 4-year college degree from an accredited college, but not in possession of a valid SC teaching certificate (transcripts must be provided) $55.00 per day
- Substitutes who possess a current and valid teaching certificate from a state other than South Carolina (copy of valid teaching certificate must be provided) $65.00 per day
- Substitutes who possess a current and valid SC teaching certificate (copy of valid teaching certificate must be provided) $70.00 per day
- Substitutes who are retired teachers from RHSD3 who possess a current and valid SC teaching certificate (copy of valid teaching credential must be provided) $100.00 per day
(why the preference for retirees?)
(34,179 posts)I suspect that the reason for the preference for retired teachers is that they have more experience, especially in classroom management, which is an important skill in being a sub.
Interesting however that they broke it down into various different pay categories. Here in Columbia the rate is a flat per day rate, no matter your experience.
Again, thanks for the info.
(14,350 posts)I'm home sick today, but I can answer questions about ours.
I've subbed for two different companies, and I can assure you that KES is by far the better choice. Our local office takes care of problems immediately, actually requires everyone to attend a training sessions before sending them into the classroom, and is very good at advocating for the sub when needed. Our pay is the same as the going rate, though Kelly managed to get us payraises this year, which was surprising to say the least.
As for their computer system, it's fairly easy to use, and if you refuse to use it, you can talk to a real person if you call their 800 number for the scheduling team. I've always had good luck with that.
I've been their employee for years now, going into my fourth school year with them, and I've been a writing coach in an alternative high school, a long term sub, a regular sub, and now I'm a teacher finishing up my teaching certificate in one of the areas I teach in (I'm salary for the hours I teach what I'm certified in, KES for the hours I don't). KES has helped me with all of that, gotten me good pay, and they even offer benefits (too expensive for me, but many subs get them).
As for the other company I worked for, they were flat-out incompetent and had no fracking clue what they were doing. It was scary, and when the county was looking at switching to them from KES, I raised all holy heck. Thank goodness they listened to me and other subs who had experience with both companies.