Related: About this forumCommon Core Protesters
Our TV channel here in SC was showing people in the capital protesting against the Common Core standards. There were about 100 people, some carrying hand-printed signs. One of which didn't spell "government" correctly (left out that first "n" . Yeah, they don't need no stinkin' guvment' interferin' in their lives.
Nothing big, but it cracked me up.

(10,963 posts)They showed the woman holding that sign. If only he'd pointed out to his guest how protesters against education CAN'T SPELL.
(96,793 posts)It's not only right wingers who hate it.
(12,081 posts)Parents and teachers know our kids are individuals. Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.
Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>>>>Law makers who sit at their desk all day think all kids are exactly the same.>>>
Got to get the $$$ AND the politics out of education.