The Messenger, a film about songbirds and their welfare
The Messenger
An excellent film about songbirds and humans researching them to find out how and why their numbers are declining, and some becoming extinct. Made in 2015 by Canadian filmmaker, Su Rynard.
Born and raised in Toronto Canada, Su Rynard is best known for her diverse range of film and media art works. Often inspired by science, ecology, and the human relationship to the natural world.
Migratory songbirds are the canaries in the coal mine for humans on earth.
Lose the songbirds and the planets demise might not be that far behind, according to the film The Messenger.
From the cities of Toronto and New York all the way to Costa Rica and the boreal forest of Canada, the population of migratory songbirds is plummeting.
When I finally clued into that, as a filmmaker I said Im going to do something about this idea. Its definitely a problem thats happening on a global scale and we wanted to reflect that in the film, said Su Rynard, a Parkdale resident and the director of the documentary.
The Team