Environment & Energy
Related: About this forumShitstain, Techbros, Corporations Aren't Climate/Science Deniers - They're At War Against Material Reality
We now face, on all fronts, a war not just against the living planet and the common good, but against material reality. Power in the United States will soon be shared between people who believe they will ascend to sit at the right hand of God, perhaps after a cleansing apocalypse; and people who believe their consciousness will be uploaded on to machines in a great Singularity.
The Christian rapture and the tech rapture are essentially the same belief. Both are examples of substance dualism: the idea that the mind or soul can exist in a realm separate from the body. This idea often drives a desire to escape from the grubby immanence of life on Earth. Once the rapture is achieved, there will be no need for a living planet. But while it is easy to point to the counter-qualified, science-denying fanatics Donald Trump is appointing to high office, the war against reality is everywhere. You can see it in the British governments carbon capture and storage scheme, a new fossil fuel project that will greatly raise emissions but is dressed up as a climate solution. And it informs every aspect of this weeks Cop29 climate talks in Azerbaijan.
Here, as everywhere, the living planet is forgotten while capital extends its frontiers. The one thing Cop29 has achieved so far and it may well be the only thing is an attempt to rush through new rules for carbon markets, enabling countries and businesses to trade carbon credits which amount, in effect, to permission to carry on polluting. In theory, you could justify a role for such markets, if they were used only to counteract emissions that are otherwise impossible to reduce (each credit purchased is meant to represent a tonne of carbon dioxide that has been reduced or removed from the atmosphere). But theyre routinely used as a first resort: a substitute for decarbonisation at home. The living world has become a dump for policy failure.
Even under current market standards, in which science takes second place to money, you need to show that carbon storage will last for a minimum of 40 years. There is no way of guaranteeing that carbon accumulation in soil will last that long. But as a new paper in Nature argues: A CO2 storage period of less than 1,000 years is insufficient for neutralising remaining fossil CO2 emissions. The only form of organic carbon that might last this long though only under certain conditions is added biochar (fine-grained charcoal). But biochar is phenomenally expensive: the cheapest source I was able to find costs roughly 26 times as much as agricultural lime, which itself costs too much for many farmers. Theres a limited amount of material that can be turned into biochar. While making it, if you get the burn just slightly wrong, the methane, nitrous oxide and black carbon you produce will cancel any carbon savings.
There is a kind of substance dualism at work here, too: a concept of soil and soil carbon entirely detached from their earthly realities. This bubble of delusion will burst. If I were a devious financier, I would short the stocks of companies selling these credits.

(1,494 posts)I actually bought Kurzweil's book "The Singularity is Near" back around 2006 because it sounded interesting. Over the years I realized he and his friends were just like the Rapture Kooks.
It makes me very angry that Tech and Rapture Kooks are now in total control of not only the US but the fucking world and they are trying to bring about The End. They don't care about other people who don't believe or one single animal or plant that is going extinct on this planet.
How did this happen?
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)Putting aside the Christians for a moment, it has become painfully obvious that leaders at the highest level have decided to let the climate disintegrate, while wearing little tiny fig leaves of deniability so they can say "We're working on it, look, we are having meetings! We are signing pledges!" Maybe some of the Tech Bros believe they can survive happily for decades in elaborate underground bunkers and walled cities. But at some level human civilization has decided to commit suicide--or more precisely, the decision has been made for us.
It is deeply unreal and depressing.
(54,676 posts)the media.
(138 posts)Its getting increasingly difficult for me to remain encouraging while hiding my despair.