It's time for the thermal undies and socks again. I stay nice and cozy and save money on my heat
bill by wearing those all the time in the cold months. Costco sells good thermal underwear for about $18 a pair. They are so comfortable I even use them as jammies when it gets really cold.
My other trick is one of those oil radiator style space heaters. If it's not real cold, all I need is that a few inches from my feet when I'm in the sweet spot on my recliner couch. I just have a couple electric heater units that are not really in the right place, that waste lot if that's all I had.
I'm retired and have a small apartment. I cook and bake a lot too, so that also helps keep it nice in here.

(19,382 posts)You are welcome with arms wide open. We need more progressives here.
(15,359 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)hlthe2b
(108,112 posts)But, it is fleece for me. I have light fleece, medium fleece and super-duper heavy fleece. Layering is part of living in Colorado. Even now, it is in the upper 30s - low 50s in the morning, but can be still rise to the mid-upper 80s in the afternoon.
Space heaters do boost the electrical bill, certainly, but not like trying to heat large areas with central heat.
(15,359 posts)Scrivener7
(54,284 posts)Instead of a space heater, I just put a heating pad under the covers. Works great, less chance of fire.
(15,359 posts)air, even though it wasn't that cold, cause my sinuses to stuff up sometimes. Never happens now. The CPAP warms and humidifies the air.
True Blue American
(18,406 posts)Electric mattress pad for me. Better than any electric blanket.
(8,598 posts)Last edited Fri Oct 8, 2021, 10:13 AM - Edit history (1)
electric blankets or pads. This might reduce stray voltage.
Another way is to turn on the pad for 20 minutes before using. The bed gets warm and over the night you are in natural sleep temperature.
Edit: and then turn it off
True Blue American
(18,406 posts)On my second one. I do turn it on before bed time.
(1,965 posts)We have not had a frost yet. When we first moved here we had an occasional frost in early Sept.
We layer up too.
And wear good slippers.
I find myself drinking lots of herbal tea during the winter.
(7,324 posts)Time for me to sit wrapped like a mummy in blankets and weep because I am still stuck up here by the Canadian border when I want to be anywhere that only dips below freezing like maybe four times a year. Gods, I hate the cold.
(19,995 posts)I don't mind the changing seasons. Winter has its place and its wonders, just like Spring, Summer and Fall.
(4,963 posts)when you're living in only two or three rooms. I put window a/c units in all bedrooms, and I'd put individual heaters if anybody ever came here in the winter time. I keep the thermostat at 62 in the winter (I used to just turn the heat off completely but then one day I woke up to frozen pipes), and offer sweaters and throws to anyone who complains.
(18,068 posts)If you dont want your clothes to mold in the closet its a necessary evil.
(8,598 posts)my indoor temperature can be about 40-45 F before the pipes froze under the sink.
(95,711 posts)I moved to a new apartment in June, had to put some stuff in storage until I find a new place. I had planned well, I found, when I packed the storage by putting winter wear in last so I could find it easily.
I don't know what part of the state you're in but I'm in the south, used to be up around 7000ft, and we had snow at 7500ft two weeks ago. I have collected a lot of winter wear over the years, some things last a long time, like a down jacket or coat for every occasion all the way up to an arctic snowmobile suit that's good at -50F (I tested it).
Costco is good with some of the layers, I really like the wool sock bundles and the down vests.
Layers are the way to go, and the more you can keep your body in motion, the warmer you'll be.
Stay warm, we're getting our first real taste of winterness this week.
(18,967 posts)A few nights in the 40s but the house stayed above the 67 the thermos were set at...
Unseasonably warm..very unusual
(26,718 posts)do not use extension cords with them.
(4,366 posts)We have a gas oven, so it is cheap to run.
In the summer, I try not to use the oven at all; I have become very efficient at cooking meals on the outdoor gas grill.
Those are all my Iowa tricks too! 💚
(6,752 posts)is expensive. We have gas heat and I do wear sweats and layered clothes.
(8,598 posts)FakeNoose
(36,743 posts)... but I'll stay nice and warm in my long johns, and also I wear hoodies or sweaters through the winter months. I've learned to warm up the area around my computer desk with a little electric space heater occasionally. It never stays on for longer than an hour at a time though. I used to have a hot oil radiator, but it sprang a leak and I've never replaced it.
When I go to someone's house where the heat is cranked up to 70 (or higher) I can hardly breathe! I don't understand why people do that, to me the high heat is very uncomfortable.
Here's my secret: over 25 years ago I invested in a down comforter featherbed. It's so fluffy and warm, and I stay nice and warm all night long, even though my house air is a little chilly.
By the end of this month I should have the storm windows and doors in place. However my furnace hasn't come on yet because it's still rather warm here in Pittsburgh.
(778 posts)That said heating costs will be 30% higher this year. Hopefully we will only have to kick the furnace on a few mornings. We will definitely get out heavy blankets and dress in layers. Fortunately Florida doesn't have many cold spells during the winter.