National Train Day, May 11
Welcome to the National Train Day website!
Explore National Train Day events being hosted around the country; apply to host your own event; tell us why trains matter to you; and learn how they matter to communities, towns and people everywhere.
Trains are an instrumental part of our American story. On May 11th, attend a National Train Day event near you; celebrate the ways trains connect us all; and share with us and others why trains matter to you and your town.!/
Trains take us where we need to go, want to go. They remind us of what other lives seen only out the window look like. They employ our townspeople, bring passengers with a few extra dollars to spend into local coffee shops, draw activity to sleepy downtowns, attract funds to the roads and buildings around the stations. They bring us to school, to work, to visit a friend in need. They connect our towns together. They connect us to each other. They tell the American story.
And that is why trains matter to us all.
Join us on May 11, 2013 at the sixth annual National Train Day to show that trains matter to you, your town, and your community. Attend an event around the country, host your own, and until then, spend some time on this site to learn more about the ways trains impact our daily lives. Share your story.
We're glad you're here.!/about/national_train_day