Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumAnother political speculation & I hope it comes true..Trump looses every state in November, and
gets no, that is 0, zero, none , electoral votes ..Biden ..535 Trump 0,
and you heard it here first..!!!!!!!!!!!.............Stuart G

(29,941 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I have always believed that 66 percent of people in U.S. have brains for various reasons..So all states, will vote 66% for Biden, 33 % for Trump, and 1% for Howdy Doty or Donald Duck, or possibly Rocky the Squirrel
(63,567 posts)

(12,582 posts)The republicans in this state have all drank the koolaid. There are so many of them you can't count them.
(95,749 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)As you said, all republicans in the state all drank koolaid..I will stack their koolaid with strong pot, and they will be to out of it to know what the hell is going on.
...............Should be pretty simple, that state is always...out of it!!! you ever been there? I have..
(12,582 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 6, 2020, 09:21 PM - Edit history (5)
me to take over what ever I want/////or is that we want to take over...Wait wait, don't tell. On Sat. June 20 there was a rally in Tulsa OK.Didn't go well for Trump, did it? This post was written on June 21, one day after the rally!!
(12,582 posts)State and will still be in November. I was happy with the lack of attendance though.
(13 posts)I have close friends and family members who support Trump and trying to talk to them is like talking to a rock. They refuse to even listen to or contemplate anything that would portray their orange leader in a negative light.
I just don't get it...
(1,165 posts)You are ambitious.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I will use the very best resources to make the plans and eventually carry them out. They will all be...
.......secretive plans and no one will ever find them out. I will be discussing these plans with aliens,
(I think the Klingons will do) and then without anyone knowing, carry them out without a hitch or hoax..
(1,165 posts)Midnight Writer
(23,477 posts)So go for it!
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)There's enough idiots in this country that will follow him off a cliff if he leads them.
That being said, I do think he's going to lose, and lose pretty big. But not nearly enough as he deserves to.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...anything could happen, and he could indeed loose every state. Trump has proven he ain't the brightest bulb (in my opinion a 3 watt bulb) As he has proven beyond doubt, Donald Trump really doesn't know what is going on..even in press conferences he seems lost as he lies his stupid ass off.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)tikka
(798 posts)Republican members still vote for Traito45 against states' wishes.
(19,282 posts)No major Party candidate can ever do that bad. The days of even 400+ Electoral Vote victories are over. The country is far more divided now.
I predict Trump get's 190 EV's, far short of the 270 needed to win. I'll take it.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)ever get elected President of the U.S.A....I must tell the truth, I didn't think that could happen in my lifetime. Well it happened. Never underestimate the power of .."truth"..
...As a 10 year old kid, I watched TV, & wondered if we would ever land a man on the moon..Well it happened.
...About 8 years ago, I was watching Donald Trump, and they said he might run for President...I thought to myself,..".If that idiot runs he cannot win, there is no way he can win." Well he won.
Anything can happen in politics....One more...After WWI, they called it ....."The Great War." & I had an encyclopedia (my father's I might add).. that described it that way. The article that I read implied that nothing like that could ever happen again....Well, it happened again, and was worse..
Trump is a lying asshole. He has stirred up lots of dislike from many people, and some are very strong Republicans...Anything can happen. I sure hope we win, under any circumstances.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...There are no limits to his lies. He will lie about anything, anytime and anywhere. So, here my prediction, Trump will lose all states because of the lies. Over and over again about anything. The virus was a "hoax" and be gone in a few days. The media is a "hoax" lying about everything..
...but here is the key to my prediction: If it were one lie or two, or every once in a while, well Trump would take some states......But Trump lies about everything all the time. If Trump were a TV show, he would have been cancelled after the first season at the longest. My guess is he would have been cancelled after the first 20 weeks.
...More important, Donald Trump has been President of the United States for 3 full years, and has failed miserably in one of the greatest disasters in American history. This is not a plane crash that kills a couple of hundred, this is a disaster that has killed thousands. Trump has lied and lied and lied some more. But here is the most important point. Donald Trump has lied in front of the entire country many times during one of our country's major disasters. Trump gets on TV and acts like he knows it all, and the lies prove he knows nothing. But these TV shows are watched by many people looking for leadership, and all we get is lies...Most of us, 70 percent are sick of Trump's lies. Aren't you?
...A family's first message to children after they learn to talk is not to make things up and lie. Parents need to know the truth from children. We need to know truth from leaders. Trump will lose ALL OF THE STATES because he lies about a major disaster. Over and Over and Over again..
...People in Utah and Mississippi are sick of Trump's lies. Are YOU? Everyone is. That is my opinion, and I am sticking to it.
(19,282 posts)Yeah, I completely disagree. There's zero chance Trump loses 50 states. An Electoral vote sweep for Biden? Sorry, but only George Washington can do that. No chance Trump loses Mississippi. None. The Confederate flag is still on their state flag.
Captain Zero
(7,697 posts)Utah, Mississippi,
But I will say the Indiana Republican Governor seems to be going arms length with Trump because Holcomb is up for reelection this fall. And some people would say Indiana, the middle finger of the South would be a problem with a Dem 50 state sweep BUT, Obama WON Indiana in 2008.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Last edited Tue May 5, 2020, 09:16 AM - Edit history (1)
...More on Utah and Mississippi. Most people do not like the kind of liar that Trump is. Ok, once is a mistake, and we all are willing to accept that with politicians. But after the one thousand lie, about something very important, the huge majority of people who read and watch the news (even a little) no longer accept the lies. Not even in Utah and Mississippi.
... Because of how families teach their children not to lie to their "families" Trump will lose all fifty states. He is offensive and cruel with the lies. Over and over again. And in addition, people will talk about these lies. Guess who is running against Trump? Mr. Biden, who Trump tried to get dirt on and was impeached for.
...Every time that name is mentioned, "Biden", most will think about the impeachment of Trump and the lies. We will all see in November. I hope I am correct. November is more than 5 months away.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...Clear to everyone Trump has done a horrendous job as President of the U.S...........
If he runs for reelection, I am feeling very confident of the outcome predicted in Original Post...
Electoral Votes in November....
..........Biden 535....Trump 0....
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Think about it?..Trump did very little to combat this problem, but say it would go away in April when warm weather came. Those videos where he said this, are available to everyone..Trump can say what he wants, many of those deaths were preventable if Trump had taken this seriously...
...Nothing he can say or do will cover his incompetence early on and for weeks, even though he was warned.
......AGAIN...and most important...................
Those videos where he says it will go away by April...and only a few will die, are available to everyone at YOU charge, and no effort to play these quotes over and over and over..
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)A police officer in Minnesota killed a innocent person by stepping his knee on his neck for 8 minutes. That scene is all over the world. Riots happened all over the country, and Trump was no where to be seen. Many were arrested, and some were killed in the riots..
...Trump offered no leadership at all. None, nada, Zero, Empty...etc.. ...It could happen.. All over the country people are disgusted with Donald Trump....Biden 535..Trump 0, could happen and is much closer to happening now, than on April 11, when this was originally posted...
...Very sad, but I didn't make this up..Did I?
OOPS, I made another mistake, & I am willing to admit it, right here and right now...The 31 second video above..will NOT be the reason Trump loses. (see post 23)
.... The riots and Trump's failure to lead after the cop put knee on that person's neck and killed him, will be the reason. That event is so clear and easy to understand that anyone who sees it, knows it was wrong. And Donald Trump offered NO LEADERSHIP AT ALL..., None, Nada, Zero, Empty, etc.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Today is June 4..Thursday..Anything can happen in politics...Maybe this prediction will hit the jackpot..
I sure hope so, for all of us....
...One more thought: look at today's post, ( that is this post) and my last 3 posts. .....Trump is really stupid beyond stupid.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Riots about the ..."police"...And Trump always defends authoritarianism..& police, because that is who he always is...The scene in front of the church holding the bible, will be his legacy....Along with the riots, the virus..and November loss of 535 for Biden....Trump Zero, Nada, Nothing, 0, ...
Yes, the stupidity of the bible, goes beyond the beyond..?? there anything more stupid?
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)about the ...economy.......and ...Donald Trump....
Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this a great thing thats happening for our country, he said. Theres a great day for him. Its a great day for everybody. Its a great day for everybody. Theres a great, great day in terms of equality.
It was all about Trump, defined him just like the ...BIBLE & TROOPS IN WASHINGTON
well, well and well..535 for Biden.....Trump Zero..., Nada, Nothing, a real possibility now...
(51 posts)I would surely hope that when Dumpy is no longer in office, the Dems do not take the approach of "We'll let the country heal by not pursuing the previous crimes and keep stirring up old wounds".
I want every deed by every evil grifter that was in this administration prosecuted and punished. And punished to the full extent of every sentencing guideline of every applicable law in every jurisdiction that has standing. If the law calls for a parade of tumbrels in the street, I want to be there to see it.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...Donald Trump...not exact words..Trump tweeted,., "The 75 year old man, fell harder than he was pushed"
Today, some of the supporters of Trump tried to defend that one..Trump has said something so ...stupid and insensitive that it makes the Bible standing thing in front of the church look wise..???
That proves he is totally nuts..About the man falling and hitting his head?...and convince some, that he is insensitive and nuts..
Why couldn't Trump just ...SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT EVENT? Or say that " we regret that this happened, and hope that he recovers completely."
People want proof that Trump is stupid and nuts..that is it. Saying the wrong thing about an event that he should say nothing...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)The rally was June 20...two days ago...Saturday..
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Trump in the last few days says, "We are controlling the virus"...Look at post number 22.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)There will be more deaths and more cases.....There is a chance that this prediction will come true. Three months left, but many life long Republicans (as we have seen in the Video and Multimedia) have already
decided that Trump must go....
This prediction was made April 11..Trump could have done something...but ...Donald Trump did nothing
He doesn't care about anyone but himself...that is why he did nothing...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...The convention portrayed Joe as a very nice and sensitive person.................
........over and over....concerned about others, very kind and sensitive...
yes it is possible that this prediction will come true...Trump looses every state..
Now, ....170,000 deaths due to virus...
more than 5,000,000 cases... ...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)The "suckers and losers" statement about dead soldiers in a cemetery, and those that making the rounds around the country. It is a Saturday. Tomorrow on the Sunday news shows, this will further be discussed.
..My goodness, this one statement could make this prediction come true. There are people who can verify this. Trump really said this. As President of the United States he said this. Yes, this speculation might just come true. I didn't think he could say anything this stupid, but evidently he did..
.As President of the United States, and Commander in Chief, he said this...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)NONE,
STUPID,..............ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC,..............
here is why.........................................Right here at Democratic Underground we see videos of
Republicans who will not vote for Trump.. More and more average people with long histories of being
total republicans, will not vote for Trump. It is not a few, but those people represent millions who won't
vote for Trump. Either they won't vote for Trump, or they will vote for some 3rd party, or won't vote
at all....
...............................HERE IS THE KEY:
............Those normal republicans will talk others in their category.........into not voting for Trump, that is their friends and families. That he has proved that he is very dangerous, only cares about himself, and has done an awful job as President of the United States.....Those we see in Videos and Multimedia, who are republicans voting for Biden will convince a huge least 65% into not voting for Trump..
...........Those people whoever, and wherever they are, ... will do the job that you and I could never do. And yes,, after the "suckers and losers comment" I am more sure than ever on this...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Lots and lots of people are not going to like the "Tax Cheat Story." Rich fellow only paying $750.00
will not sit well with most people in the U.S.A.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)

200,000 deaths due to Covod-19
Captain Zero
(7,697 posts)Big Time.
Shows how many idiots live here in this backwater bilge.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I remember in 2007, Obama declared he was running for President of the United States....
....Not a chance I thought.....I was wrong....
Trump said he was running for ....President of the United States....
....Not a chance I thought....I was wrong.....
In the 74.......I recall that people were talking abut Nixon resigning.......
....Not a chance I thought....I was wrong.....
In 1957 ......there was a show called "Disneyland" that predicted space travel and landing on the moon...
....Not a chance I thought (in my lifetime) I was wrong again.....
In the mid 50s .....something about owning a television???? Much too expensive...
....Not a chance I thought (in my lifetime) ..I was wrong again....(I own 2 now)
In the late 80s.....something about owning a computer????? Not possible I thought...(not available to all)
....and much too expensive in those days, and much too large in those days...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Could you have speculated this?.....
Therefore, maybe Trump will lose all electoral votes, just like original post says..