Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumPrefect quote about the 9/11 truth movement......
"Adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement would use the reverse scientific method to arrive at their conclusions, as they determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion."~ Thomas W. Eagar-MIT engineering professor

(8,556 posts)He's only an engineering professor at one of the most prestigious technical schools in the country. I trust Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones much more.
(22,457 posts)RZM
(8,556 posts)Who said that the official story 'was the first time that fire ever melted steel.'
(22,457 posts)gyroscope
(1,443 posts)has Mr. Eagar ever considered doing stand-up comedy?
(22,457 posts)zappaman
(20,620 posts)Also explains why there are so many stories within the "truth movement".
Think mini-nukes brought down the towers? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
Think thermite/thermate/super-mystery thermitemate brought down the towers? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
Think their were no planes involved? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
Think a DEW brought down the towers? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
Think a missle hit the pentagon? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
Think monkeys with explosive in backpacks brought down the towers? You can find one or two things that support your theory.
It's 2012 and the "truth movement" is almost gone. Sorry crazies, but you had your chance.
(15,189 posts)Which for some reason will never see the light of day. We think you deniers are just as crazy. You take the Bush administrations investigation as fact, and all else be damned. We use eye witness video of the events. People who were in the buildings who HEARD and FELT explosions, and that includes firemen. But I guess they were mistaken, they were only there, who are they to say. But some MIT "professor" has it right. LOL! You guys are funny.
Norrin Radd
(4,959 posts)Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)"There was an accident with a controlled demolition setup and a time machine, now pay attention!"
(8,747 posts)They're all in a CONspiracy to deny the "real" truth" to the people.
(18,998 posts)Because the official version does that exact same thing...and if you don't believe the official version then you are just nuts...and must be ridiculed so that it chills the people into silence.
People are so easily manipulated...
(15,189 posts)But I guess this one is the right one. LOL!
Can he explain why the Pentagon let 40 minutes go by and did NOTHING for a possible attack after the second tower crash took place? No he can't. As a matter of fact, no one has told us why our biggest DEFENSE building did nothing to protect itself or the rest of D.C. for 40 minutes LOL! And that these "terrorist" who according to the media were pilots, and chumy with flight crews, flew over a lot of military bases instead of taking off from JFK. But we'll go along with this little game. Perhaps this "professor" will invest in fire demolition as his next career move. LOL!
(22,997 posts)Politicalboi
(15,189 posts)But I'm sure "they" are not good enough. Hopefully someday this will be solved once and for all. Fire has NEVER taken steel and concrete buildings down before or after 9/11. And WTC7 wasn't hit by a plane, so there's that too.
(22,997 posts)Politicalboi
(15,189 posts)How do you know which one is right? You're still going to believe what you believe, and so am I. What other buildings have fallen to the ground due to fire since 9/11? NONE. The world is waiting.