Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumUS Army Re-education camps
A friend of mine just posted (as he usually does) a ridiculous article from InfoWars ( and it's pissing me off to no end. I'm trying to find stuff to continuously disprove this drivel, and I'm probably wasting my time. Anyone able to help on this particular "story"?

(1 post)It certainly doesn't make it any easier to swallow, but the government has been making these "worst case scenario" plans for years, and most likely all the way back to the revolutionary war. When they actually set one of these up, I'll be right there with your friend breaking down walls freeing citizen prisoners.
I bet the government has documents detailing how to defend against alien invasion, and an uprising of the apes, but it doesn't mean that aliens are landing, or the government is going to start eradicating primates. Has anyone actually found a camp, or a proposed camp? Not to my knowledge, and I am sure that if there were, more sites than rt, and infowars would be carrying some kind of commentary on it.
I am healthily skeptical about our government's intentions, but if this was actually a plan they intended to carry out, this document would never see the light of day.
(550 posts)Bravo. I really couldn't have put it any better.
Response to mknblb (Reply #1)
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Response to mknblb (Reply #1)
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Morning Dew
(6,539 posts)
(62,444 posts)Morning Dew
(6,539 posts)
(115,908 posts)Response to Morning Dew (Reply #10)
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(115,177 posts)It never hurts to be prepared, but no one is panicked about the imminent danger of such an occurrence.
Response to Lawlbringer (Original post)
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Response to Lawlbringer (Original post)
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(1 post)Lawlbringer,
Did you read the document? I didn't think so. You can read it here:
If you had you would have seen that the subject of these Re-Education Camps is us; American Citizen's. You can read a Rebuttal to the nay sayers, such as yourself, by going to:
Alternatively, if you don't want to read either the article or the document itself, you can read it below:
1.) Page 56 makes it clear that detention camps will have PSYOP teams whose responsibility will be to use indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes, as well as targeting political activists with such indoctrination programs to provide understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.
2.) Throughout the manual there are scores of references to how the U.S. Army would work together with the DHS, ICE and FEMA (page 24) to implement the policies within U.S. territory as part of civil support operations in the aftermath of man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories. (page 38).
3.) The handling of DCs (displaced citizens) is also a mission that may be performed in support of disaster relief or other emergencies within the United States or U.S. territories during civil support operations, states page 33. Page 56 also states that it is the responsibility of the PSYOP officer to control detainee and DC populations during emergencies.
4.) Resettlement conducted as a part of civil support operations will always be conducted in support of another lead agency (Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security) states page 37.
5.) All these passages make it clear that the policies outlined on page 56 are also applicable within U.S. territory as part of civil support operations conducted in partnership with domestic federal agencies like the DHS and ICE. The U.S. Immigration authorities have no role in detaining prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq and neither do other U.S. agencies also listed in the document such as the Public Health Service (page 224).
6.) The document also contains numerous references to U.S. citizens (notably pages 13, 41). Page 13 notes how U.S. citizens will be confined separately from detainees, meaning they will be separated from foreign prisoners in the camps
7.) On page 146 of the manual, we learn how prisoners in the camps are to be identified. The prisoners last name, first name, and middle initial are placed on the first line of a name board, and the prisoners social security number is placed on the second line.
Last time I checked, the United States Social Security Administration was not responsible for handing out social security numbers to people in Afghanistan or Iraq.
8.) On page 193 of the document, we learn that the policies outlined in the manual can be applied domestically. The language makes it clear that so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement, the policies may be performed as domestic civil support operations. The manual states, These operations may be performed as domestic civil support operations, and adds that The authority to approve resettlement such operations within U.S. territories, would require a special exception to The Posse Comitatus Act, which can be obtained via the President invoking his executive authority.
These examples are just a handful of a plethora contained in the 326 page Internment and Resettlement document which prove that the policies in the manual apply not only to foreign prisoners abroad, but also to American citizens within the United States.
On top of this, we have the 2009 story about how the National Guard posted a number of job listings looking for Internment/Resettlement Specialists to work in civilian internee camps within the United States.
I hope this helps you.
(3 posts)Hey skippy, Scotty won't be able to beam you up on this one... Why don't you just read the DOD document, if you have enough brainpower...
(3 posts)Oh I see, when the facts are too inconvenient, ''juries'' vote to censor posts by hiding them. How tolerant and ''liberal'' of you guys... HA!!!
(62,444 posts)
Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)We need a good chemtrail thread in here.
(20,620 posts)This thread really did pull them out of the woodwork, eh!
Response to Lawlbringer (Original post)
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Response to Lawlbringer (Original post)
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(135 posts)For years I've thought that conservatives have no imagination, but that's not strictly true. When their paranoia kicks in, they start to make up stuff based on the sketchiest of notions.
Like most pipe dreams, it falls apart when you start asking questions. How exactly do they decide who needs to be re-educated? How do they keep these people quiet after they've "graduated"? How is FEMA related to the topic at all, apart from having some broad but very specifically applicable powers?
On the other hand, there are doomsday scenarios aplenty. The federal government actually built an underground installation to shelter the top brass in case of nuclear attack. If it looks like the Occupy movement is getting some traction, what would dishearten them more than having key people disappear, then come back after drinking the koolaid in these camps?
(3 posts)I remember, under W, the similar "camps" stories circulated in the ether. Then it was 'reported' the camps were placed near airports under the guise of isolating "Bird Flu" victims upon entry into U.S. But, don't be fooled, they were really internment camps to house critics.
I think we can engage some people intellectually. Ask questions, such as, how implementation of such a "plan" might be carried out. Hopefully, you'll get to a point when the light goes on & your friend says, "I never thought of it that way, you may be right."
Ok, I'm a dreamer.
(7,237 posts)Now I know, if I want to bait trolls, post about FEMA camps.
(files away for future reference)
Wasn't my intention to do so, but it seems people just don't like to have discussions about things like this without spewing insults and obscenities.
(17,291 posts)Are these the same re-education camps as the camps that Halliburton was building for Bush to lock up dissidents ten years ago? And were those the same camps that Clinton was building for when he declared martial law? If so, how long does it take to string up some barbed wire and throw together some barracks and guard towers? Talk about government inefficiency!
(550 posts)Thanks!