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(22,741 posts)Political beliefs are not a protected class, so LGBT businesses are absolutely free to tell MAGA or GOP customers to take a hike should they choose to.
(48,994 posts)That's the game. Understand it, pick your spots, have a safety plan, trust your gut.
(39,147 posts)a woman I networked, who was a small business owner, & basically a nice person, but not political, asked me, "Why shouldn't a business owner be able to say they don't want to do business with certain people?" And I said, "Is that really where you want to live? In a town, where you walk down main street & one shop has a sign that says no gays, & another has a sign that says no blacks & another one a sign that says no women?" She took a second & to her credit, said, "No. I don't want to live there. I hadn't thought of it that way." Years later, she hosted & celebrated her daughter's wedding to her wife in her backyard.
Scottie Mom
(5,815 posts)What's next? Someone is a Christian, so they can constituionally refuse service for Jews cuz they killed Christ???? This is soooooooooooo out of line for what the U.S should be all about.
The Evangels and the Buy-bull thumpers, Fuck 'em all!
(39,147 posts)Saviolo
(3,321 posts)Now, thanks to a case that may be fraudulent at its core heard by a Court groaning under the weight of scandal after scandal, it is no longer illegal to use ones sincerely held beliefs to discriminate against people who are gay, lesbian, trans, queer, and/or otherwise dont fit in their narrow little cisheteronormative mold.
Being LGBTQ+ isnt a choice. Its not a lifestyle. Its part of our very existence. We were born gay, bi, intersex, trans, queer; just as many of us are born disabled, a different skin color, neurodivergent, and many other aspects of humanity those on top deem a threat to their carefully curated power structures.
No matter the depth of your inculcation or the strength of your born-again conviction, you choose to be Christian.
We are not the same.
So, why am I blanket denying Christians my services? Isnt that just discrimination of another kind? I have nothing against Christians. Some of my best friends are Christian. But, right now? Theres a whole lot of pressure on us to stop existing from people who call themselves Christian. From people who claim they speak for all of you. And while some good folks are working tirelessly to leverage their faith in positive ways to counter this tide of hate, well, its not enough. They dont have the numbers or resources to put a stop to this onslaught.
So, here we are.
If youre more angry at me for denying my services to Christians because of the actions of Christians acting in the name of Christianity than the actions of those very Christians who are trying to strip rights, protections, and lives from me and mine?
You are part of the problem.