#MeToo is about more than stopping rape. We demand more
#MeToo is about more than stopping rape. We demand more
People upset with #MeToo should consider whether theyre comfortable with norms that say anything short of rape is OK
I keep hearing that men who have behaved like Ansari have done nothing wrong.

Theres a modern feminist adage that women need to ask for more. Weve been taught to underestimate our value whether in salary negotiations or personal relationships and if women just demanded what were really worth, were told, we might just get it. But if the backlash to #MeToo has shown us anything, its that people dont much like it when women refuse to settle for the bare minimum. The current criticism of the movement sparked in earnest by accusations against Aziz Ansari (
) really comes down to outrage that women would dare ask for more.
Its one thing for us to ask men to stop raping us, or to not rub their erections against us while we walk by at the office; the law already says these things are wrong. But wanting men to only have sex with women who enthusiastically say yes rather than those so worn down they stop saying no is apparently a bridge too far. Were told romance wouldnt survive if men couldnt pursue women who said no the first time, or that men are hormonally destined to have brutal sexualities (
). Most of all, I keep hearing that men who have behaved like Ansari have done nothing wrong. That they havent broken the law.
But #MeToo is not about whats legal, its about whats right. Its true that women are fed up with sexual violence and harassment; but its also true that what this culture considers normal sexual behavior is often harmful to women, and that we want that to stop, too.
In a horrifying but brilliant piece for The Week (
http://theweek.com/articles/749978/female-price-male-pleasure?utm_source=links&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=twitter), Lili Loofbourow writes about how often women are in pain during sex a fact often ignored by culture and science, so long as men are still having good sex. We live in a world, essentially, that sees female pain as normal and male pleasure as a right.
Thats why women are more focused on shifting norms than enforcing the ones we already have. But for the people who thought #MeToo would stop at rape or serial sexual harassment, this feels like overstepping. Its far easier for men to agree to simply follow the law than it is to rethink all theyve been taught about sex, desire and power. That would require work beyond wearing a Times Up pin or retweeting a hashtag. The people who are outraged or even just concerned about the direction of this movement should ask themselves whether theyre comfortable with sexual norms that say anything short of rape is OK. Or if they want a world where womens pain and fear is treated as an expected part of romantic and sexual interactions.
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