Dilemma of Desire, Cliteracy, a documentary available online June 21, American Film Institute Docs
Directed by two-time Peabody Award-winning documentary filmmaker Maria Finitzo, the film follows a motley crew of unstoppable women, comprised of artists, educators, scientists, strippers and sex toy designers, who have made it their mission to dismantle internalized sexism and begin to repair the dissociated relationships many women have to their own bodies. In a reframing of daily micro-aggressions, societys erasure of the clitoris is exposed as a tool of patriarchal deception, a negation of womens wants and needs. This exciting (and informative) campaign seeks to dispel the discomfort and shame surrounding female sexuality by empowering women to own their desire, connect with their bodies and familiarize themselves with the vast, internal structure of the clitoris. They will paint it, sculpt it, plaster its image on walls and design special toys for it until all of society knows the laws of cliteracy.
BIG NEWS: Dilemma of Desire will have our US Digital Festival premiere at AFI Docs on sunday June 21st! Tickets are available for purchase by anyone in the US and will get you a link to watch the film at home anytime on June 21st. You can purchase a ticket for $8 here:

I remember the series of sculptures the artist Judy Chicago did back in the 1970s, called the Dinner Party, reminds me of that.

Review of Dilemma of Desire By Andrea Thompson
If you didn't know what you were getting into with the SXSW documentary The Dilemma of Desire, it gets right to the point by trying to find the clitoris in the original Gray's Anatomy. (The MEDICAL book people, not the series. Get your mind out of the gutter.) Not only is it apparently nowhere to be found on the page it's listed in the table of contents, but there's also no pictures of female anatomy, while the male sexual organs, including the penis, are meticulously depicted. It's almost as if they wiped womanhood out of the text, mused Stacey Dutton, a neuroscientist.