Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forumIs owning automatic weapons a testosterone thing?
Because I just do not understand it at all. Guns designed to shred people used for hunting? Why? Is it some sort of a BIGGER makes me more manly thing? Do men desire BIG everything?
"A bigger truck than I need, use and can not afford? A bigger TV and stereo even though I do not even use or enjoy them? A bigger gun that shreds everything beyond recognition, including birds, rabbits and squirrels because I am a big hunter/provider?"
I just do not understand the lack or reasoning and I would like to know if this is a "testosterone" thing, an "I am an American and that is how we do it in the good 'ol USA" thing?"
Please explain to me why American men are so into this opposed to all the other developed countries in the world. Why? Look at the statistics, a gerbil can read a graph and realize how this is such an American issue.
I have ranted and raved on DU about this since I became aware of the site and I have yet to hear a satisfactory response.

(5,872 posts)That's probably why you haven't received a satisfactory answer.
I suggest you find a right wing chat site and ask your question there.
I'm sure you'll get lots of responses.
(52,637 posts)on DU in the past a lot of hunting people defended the practice very, very adamantly. In fact, they were so forceful it was scary and that is why I stopped posing this question about 6 years ago. It wasn't a testosterone issue or an automatic assault weapon issue to them but a freedom to hunt issue. To me it is NOT about hunting. People can hunt without automatic weapons but the responses I would always get were shear frustration since that is how they interpreted my question.
Hieronymus Phact
(536 posts)They like and want these things BECAUSE it upsets you. And BECAUSE it makes you feel like you do. And it represents "freedom", and you want to take it from them. So that makes it even more important to have one.
Does that make it clearer?
(52,637 posts)It is certainly something to ponder. Is it like a reverse psychology thing?
Hieronymus Phact
(536 posts)They're not deep thinkers, It's more of a visceral, tribal thing. The freedom to own Firearms is uniquely American. That's enough reason right there.
(54,813 posts)A Bushmaster ad for its assault rifles:
(1,012 posts)powered by advertising. On the one hand guns are marketed by the industry the same way as Cadillacs. You need one because it makes you special. The semi-autos have become a status symbol. And over time, manufactures have produced endless accessories, bells and whistles that can be bolted on to make them look more sinister and sexy.
Then there is the relentless advertising by the NRA et. al., constantly raising the fear that Obama, or Biden or some cabal of libs are going to take away your guns. You had better get one now before they are all gone. The proliferation of these weapons has become far more about politics and profits than self defense.
We, through through Congressional action, have banned the advertising of cigarettes because we realized how truly dangerous they are (statistically, as far as the death rate goes, far more dangerous than guns). We have seen a drastic reduction in smoking and associated illnesses since the ban. A good place to start would be to ban advertising of Bushmasters, etc. Yes, I know, First Amendment! The same argument was made about cigarette advertising. Get over it.
(721 posts)But seriously......a quote from the movie The American President:
"And whatever your particular problem is, friend, I promise you, Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. "
Fox News and the Republican right-wing have been using scare tactics for years to make you fear other Americans.
The guys needing guns are scared little boys!
(50,434 posts)Specifically, I mean having an automatic weapon that indiscriminately destroys a multitude of "targets" means saving time and not obviating the skills to aim and shoot accurately. You just press down on the trigger and the gun does the rest. It's the same concept why machine guns were developed for the First World War. You just spray bullets in a short amount of time with a lesser risk of you being shot yourself. Machine guns were specifically and federally outlawed after WWI when criminals used them during Prohibition.
It's a weapon of convenience and cowardice.
(6,352 posts)Since the 90s these gun humpers have been saying that the Democrats are going to disarm the populace. The purchase of guns has increased, including the purchase of "assault-style" rifles. I used to work with some of these people and even used to go to the outdoor shooting range with them. Many of them had fears of liberal "gun grabbers" and feared the violence of lawless "thugs" they read about in far-away placed like Detroit, L.A., and Chicago. These people saw any restrictions to their rights to have any weapon they wanted as government over-reach.
I used to enjoy firing assault-style rifles when I was in the Army and continued to train with handguns after I left the service. I don't know if it was a testosterone thing or not. Shooting targets was fun and I never fantasized about blowing away the "bad guys." I haven't been shooting for 25 years or so, although I still own several handguns, which are all unloaded and safely locked away at my almost ex-wife's house.