Our Abortion Stories: "The Word 'Freedom' Is Hypocrisy When Women Lose the Right To Control Their Own Bodies"
(a number of the stories can be read at the link below, too many to excerpt here)
Our Abortion Stories: The Word Freedom Is Hypocrisy When Women Lose the Right To Control Their Own Bodies
PUBLISHED 7/1/2022 by Phoebe Kolbert and Michelle Moulton

Protesters hold a die-in in Boston on May 16, 2022, to represent the women who are at risk of dying while seeking illegal abortions or as a result of pregnancy complications. (Erin Clark / The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
On June 24, the Supreme Court overturned the longstanding precedents of Roe v. Wade, representing the largest blow to womens constitutional rights in history. A series from Ms., Our Abortion Stories, chronicles readers experiences of abortion pre- and post-Roe. Abortions are sought by a wide range of people, for many different reasons. There is no single story. Telling stories of then and now shows how critical abortion has been and continues to be for women and girls.
The fall of Roe will strain abortion access nationwide. We cannot, we must not, lose the right to safe and accessible abortion or access to birth control. Share your abortion story by emailing myabortionstory@msmagazine.com, and sign our We Have Had Abortions petition.
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