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Helen Borg
(3,963 posts)Guys go around with no shirts and all and we are supposed to have to worry???
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)That if you are really distracted by a shoulder, back, leg, bra strap, belly button, etc. Then "boys will be boys"...forever. You will have no hope of becoming a man, of maturing to a level which might contribute to, or make a difference to our society. It is alright to recognize and admire the physical beauty in another (of either sex). It is childish to become so obsessed by it you ability to productively function is impaired.
Establishing a dress code targeting women's apparel to placate an anticipated (imagined) over reaction by the local males is equally sexist and displays child like thinking.
This is coming from a man with a severe cartoon habit (Manga and Anime, I'm proud to admit).
(53,661 posts)IOW, rthe girls want to be treated in a sisterly and brotherly way. This can and has been, a good thing in my life, even in my work life with otherwise jaded men. Some thought all sorts of weird stuff about women and how they should live their lives.
They could be snapped back to reality with a number of methods, and that included using the EEOC. The ones that were my friends saw me as as sister naturally without being told they were not being inappropriate, and showed respect.
This problem may be from family dysfunction, bur we saw it as the idal and problem of individual. Not a girl or woman's problem, the one who was making one by not having any boundaries.
The comment above about boys and men not wearing shirts is a good one. How many of them would think twice about that practice if they were being leered at by a group of girls or women and all these rules bing made up?
These girls are asking to be seen not as an emblem of someopn'es fantasy, but real people. JMHO.
(277 posts)were leered at by gay men.
I know two wrongs don't make a right. But it the sense of entitlement that so many men have that just makes me so mad. Maybe women should do a turnabout and ogle guy without shirts, in a not sexy way that makes them uncomfortable. I am 67 now I have never understood why it is always the women who are expected to adapt.
I once told a man I didn't want to be kissed and pushed him away. We were sitting on a sofa. He leaned in again and his next sentence began with "...but I just want...." I put my hands on the sides of his head and launched it toward the wall. I guess I caught him by surprise because I heard a thump. As I was going out the door I heard his say again "...but I just want..."