Related: About this forumI punched the man who broke into my home – it came naturally
Until I started boxing training, I was like many women and thought the aim of exercise was to lose weight.

(19,288 posts)By taking self defense training. We had a 6 week course back in '76 when I worked at one of our State Hospitals. We often had to jump in and break up fights between patients. That meant taking on the aggressor during combat, and not hurting them. We had to safely get their arms behind their backs and drop them to the ground.
I learned to keep my head up and my eyes open. You grab those flying fists and move in too close for them to swing.
My previous fight style was close my eyes and cover my head with my arms. I knew I couldn't hurt my patients. I didn't know how to restrain them with safety and care.
A few more lessons and I might have been as kick ass as Skittles.
(34,770 posts)I want in.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Granted,....getting the pan tuned is a real pain.
(32,107 posts)"At the store, can you buy a new frying pan? I'm a little squeamish about using the one we use to kill people."
(6,785 posts)I always wondered how hard he really hit him with that.
(6,151 posts)enough.
Grew up playing ball w/my brothers, and spent years in a dojo that was no dance class like so many are; so when I throw anything, I seldom miss either. I once won a contest in college by throwing wadded up paper the greatest distance behind my back into a small wastebasket. So what if we were only vying for the last piece of pizza? It was the principle that counted. I followed my defeated opponent all around the room, slurping and smacking like a pig, waving the last morsel in front of her face.
Before you decide I was being mean, she had tried to beat me to that last piece when I'd called dibs on it after only 2 pieces myself. She'd already had 3. Greedy little so and so got what she deserved, and she never tried to take anything away from me again. Later she said something snarky about it to me on another public occasion. I just made loud chewing noises and licked my fingers. She left me alone after that.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)PatrickforO
(15,177 posts)attended self defense training, which every woman should have. The first thing out of the instructor's mouth was that women are socialized in this culture to always be nice, but there are times when she should not be nice at all, and one of those times is if she's attacked. Great advice.
A good self defense course is a must for every woman.
(162,406 posts)is, if you're ever in a situation that makes you feel uncomforatable, get out of it immediately - don't delay and don't fear being rude, just get out of it........and certainly learn some self defense techniques to get you past the point of fearing striking back if attacked.....actually, this advice is sound for everyone
Response to Threedifferentones (Original post)
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(529 posts)Reminds me of when I was 11 and during summer vacation a man, dressed head-to-toe in black clothes complete with a ski mask, tried to crawl in through my window. I just went into some kind of a trance and walked over and slammed the window shut, trying to crush his fingers, but missing. I don't even remember really feeling anything until afterwards, but then I felt so enraged that someone would try to do that. Why? WTF is wrong with people? How many other women/girls have to go through this?