Related: About this forumI'm a little peeved, to put it lightly
This discussion thread was locked by Neoma (a host of the Feminists group).
Last edited Tue Feb 7, 2012, 09:01 PM - Edit history (1)
that some of our sisters on this website are giving cover to sexists.
I know we need to feel for them, as they live in the same world we do, and they are influenced by the patriarchy, whether they realize it or not, and that we should all stick together.
But this is a real test for me. They are collaborating with the patriarchy whether they know it or not.
How does one discuss this very real issue with women who are collaborating.
I have tried and the discussion doesn't often end well. It usually ends up along the lines, that a woman can be what she wants and thinks what she wants and who am I to tell another woman any differently.
And then the sexists use that continue their ways.

(24,331 posts)...as "collaborators" and "the patriarchy." Your entire premise starts from the idea that you know best, you know BETTER than anyone who disagrees with you, and those people are clearly wrongheaded and/or evil. There can be no discussion from that point. It's like invoking "It should be that way because God wants it." There can be no reasoned conversation once you've invoked absolute right and wrong.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)and the word collaborators in this context is accepted in the feminist community. It is how we identify this conundrum.
And, no, I don't think I will ever stop using the word patriarchy.
But your post, and thank you for posting, is exactly what I meant. So, thank you for making the point so vividly.
I don't usually call them collaborators when discussing this, but when speaking about the phenomenon amongst other feminists, I think the word fits, and would be recognized for what it is.
(110,159 posts)so there is no confusion.
if i am going to discuss this, then it is only fair to know the gender
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I don't put it in my profile, but so everyone knows, I am a woman.
(38,549 posts)Thank you.
(38,549 posts)Thank you.
(38,549 posts)where it looks like they might be useful.
This is the Feminists group. It really is a protected group at DU3.
It was not established, by the women who created the group some years ago at old DU and continued it here, as a forum for anyone who chooses to drop in and tell the regular members the error of our ways.
I invite everyone posting here to review the Statement of Principles and keep it in mind when posting, and most especially to keep the purpose and status of this group in mind when deciding whether and what to post here.
The regular members here are already overexposed to various toxins from time spent in other forums, and do not intend to don protective gear when reading and posting in this group.
Please excuse the interruption, and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Response to iverglas (Reply #3)
boston bean This message was self-deleted by its author.
(38,549 posts)I've noticed in a couple of threads here this afternoon that not everyone reading and posting in the group may be aware of its status as a protected group, and familiar with its statement of principles. It seemed that a gentle reminder or two would not go amiss.
I meant to add it here in a way that was general and not personal, and ended up looking like I was talking to you directly and only. Mea culpa, that was the complete opposite of my intention! I was just "dropping" the message in the thread, for the consideration of anyone who wanted to contribute to it.
Your post is fine by me! When I'm not quite so tired as I am tonight, I'll even try to think of an intelligent response.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Yeah, that is a powerful picture, isn't it?
Pretty much does say it all.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Boy, obviously I missed some serious shit. Not sure I'm sorry I missed it -- but apparently there's some good things I missed too.
(38,549 posts)28. When I see the word typed out on DU as a slur against women, this is the vision that pops into my mind.

I am against using the word as a slur against women and I am trying to make a point as to how some women feel about the derogatory, bigoted, sexist use of the word.
I'll take the liberty of also mentioning my reply, since I think it might speak to you as well:
58. and that point was eloquently and painfully made many years ago at DU
by a woman in the original multiple-hundred-post "bitch" thread. (Not one of the "hard-core feminist" crowd, just an ordinary kind of DUer whom I had never even read before, and for whom even adding to the thread was obviously a difficult choice.)
That was her personal experience of the word, and that was indeed the vision that came to her mind when she saw it, only she was looking from the inside out.
That was actually a new perspective to me at the time -- not within my personal experience. My objection was (and of course is) based on the power of language, by its effects on the listeners in terms of how it colours their and society's view, and treatment, of women. The effect of the word on someone against whom it had been used as a direct and integral part of the way she herself was abused -- not to make her angry as it does me, but to make her feel, all over again, the pain and shame and humiliation -- ... I just don't know. Why does someone want to do that?
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)You know, I usually have the TV on while I sit here at the computer. I regret having to admit that I have fallen into watching the various "Real Housewives" reality TV series. The Beverly Hills version just concluded, and it was extremely powerful in that one of the women just extracted herself from an abusive marriage and another is still getting to the point of having to do that.
It's been horrifying but very instructive -- and I so hope many women see it and learn from it. The free one got free (not easily), and as the unfree one descended into hell, unwittingly and is now just beginning to come to her senses as the season ends. During the Reunion show the free one (Taylor, I think) revealed that there were times when she said to her husband, "Just hit me, go ahead and hit me," because she knew that was coming no matter what, and that would end it for the time being. She revealed she set her own broken jaw "over the toilet," that he threw her into the pool, held her down until she was almost drowning. And, of course, he also called her all the names we're all too familiar with. She's come out of it strong, clearly happier, and okay. I hope she serves as a role model for other women.
(110,159 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)and sometimes these feelings and realities are just so damned hard to verbalize.
Sometimes I can find the words, but it takes work. So, I'll look forward to your response, when you are able to give it your all!
Thanks iverglas!
Response to boston bean (Original post)
boston bean This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Post removed
(38,549 posts)Feldspar has been PPRed
as a result of this post.
Some of us will remember Feldspar from this thread at old DU:
I'm not sure what she has written at new DU, except this in Women's Rights, expressing disagreement with the idea of "Women's Rights" being defined as a "Gender and Orientation" issue in the forum subdivisions:
"Gender and Orientaion"?!
Women (and our "issues" ) are now just lumped right in with the *queers* whether we're *queer* or not and as if we're some fringey minority like the MRAs over there in the OH So Necessary! Men's Group. Jeezuz, we all know that DU is one bigg-ass Men's Group already!
Females comprise more than 51% of the human population yet here we are in our little "safe haven" because we need paternalistic protection from the brothers riding roughshod all over us? Well there's something progressive and new! Way to blaze the trail for that women's EQUALITY y'all are going on about all the time!
Democracy? Ha! Effing pathetic is what it is.
And BTW: "Gender" is the societal construct which produces feminine and masculine as sexed roles based on the two biological sexes, Female and Male. I am NOT a *feminine*, I am a Female.
and this post explaining it:
Whoopsie! I am a Lesbian and just thought
Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 11:55 AM USA/ET - Edit history (2)
that everybody was hip to the fact that *queer* has been reclaimed by LGBT crowd. My bad.
My point was simply that Females are NOT a minority group like MRAs, Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Trans*people; females are The 51%.
And I for one am tired of being treated like some ghetto-ized special interest group when I belong to the majority class.
Feldspar appeared to be a woman-identified lesbian. This might put her at odds with the LBGT-identified women we have heard from in the past.
I think that perspective is one that should be explored here. I think that is the issue raised in the post hidden in this thread. I also think Feldspar was not the most adept at posting coherently, let alone non-confrontationally, of course.
My main problem is the interference in the proceedings of the Feminists forum by someone who alerted on the post, by the jurors who voted to hide it, and by the MIRT member who decided to PPR the poster.
If we in this group have problems with posts or posters, we would like to be able to deal with them ourselves, just as the LBGT group does, for example. If we want to discuss other DU members or other DU discussions, we want to be able to do that too.
We intend to have the freedom to discuss anything we like from a feminist perspective as the group defines that perspective, and we intend to exercise that freedom.
If we feel that a post in this forum is inappropriate, one of us can alert on it. If the alert is unsuccessful and/or if the poster is asked and does not agree to edit or delete it, or persists in inappropriate posting after being asked not to, we can ban the person from this forum. We can ban people who post inappropriately in any case. We can take the problem to the administrators and request that the poster be PPRed, via a TOS alert.
This is our forum. We do not need or want outsiders to the forum controlling the content here.
Is there general agreement on this?
Please also see the discussion of Feldspar's post in the H&M forum.
(110,159 posts)yet, if you remember the discussion of being inclusive, rather than exclusive, the fear was we were going to 86 women that are not white middle aged hetero.....
i am sad. i like feldspar rough and tumble.
Response to iverglas (Reply #19)
Post removed
(38,549 posts)I would be very interested in hearing more from your perspective.
I will suggest that we put it off for a little bit.
(38,549 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 8, 2012, 01:30 PM - Edit history (1)
But hey -- talk about your SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIES, eh????
one more gone
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
This entire post is nothing but a screed against DU lesbians, and to a lesser exten t the guys in the LGBT Group. This poster has a fixation of the lesbians who post her for some reason. What she is saying is hateful and homophobic and horrible. She also attacks most of teh rest of DU, and also teh Admins. I honestly have no idea why her meltdown the last month attacking lesbians has happened, except for her blocking from the LGBT Group, but this latest screed breaks the TOS in about a million ways. I suspect that all the gay women on DU reading this are very shaken b this public loathing directed at them. Thanks.
A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this alert at Wed Feb 8, 2012, 11:43 AM, and voted 4-2 to HIDE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: The post is an attack on many DU groups, including admins. I want to know, why does this person continue to be here if she's so unhappy with DU?
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT and said: The post is appalling. It is completely inappropriate, disruptive and a vicious attack on the GLBT community. It most definitely meets the Community Standards criteria for hiding the post and is a TOS violation as well.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT and said: This poster has a long history of posting screeds like this against anyone who has the temerity to confront her on various issues. Many of her posts are just like this one, filled with bile, venom, and acid. She repeatedly calls other members liars, and uses terms connected with feces to describe other members.
She has previously gone so far as to directly confront Admins, and tell them how to run their own website. She has done the same thing here. Why she has never been Tombstoned, or had her posting privileges revoked is beyond me.
Not only should this latest screed be Hidden, she should have her Posting Privilege revoked immediately.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: It's a rant.
You know WHY you "honestly" have no idea why this meltdown happened, No.1 Fan? And I'll even grant you "honestly" in that case -- because the reason why you have no idea why it happened is that IT NEVER HAPPENED.
What happened was a concerted attack on the Feminists group by a particular element of the lesbian community, who DO NOT represent all the lesbians of the world OR EVEN all the lesbians at DU. And I and other feminists resisted it. And we seemed to have won the ground of this forum, although we won no protection at this website otherwise. And that just galled and galled and galled, and this forum has been under surveillance ever since, and once it strayed an inch from "ew, what a horrible sexist commercial", the chink was there and the attack was relaunched.
Why do you hate women, No.1 Fan and your friends? Why has your circle become so fixated on vilifying and destroying a group, feminists at DU and in the real world, who you claim should adopt every item of your agenda and take you to its bosom? Bad strategy, I think; don't you?
On your specific theory -- why do you never mention that I was blocked from the LGBT group because I had the temerity to post there in reply to a ... non-factual ... call-out of myself? That I was personally targeted, for some reason, out of all the people who objected to the cattle-market treatment of women by heterosexual male DUers in the thread about the lesbian beauty-contest contestant? That there was a reason why the poster in question targeted me -- well, not a reason, but the fact that her vicious misrepresentation of me had started at least three years earlier? That it all stems from the campaign of the charming "sex-positive" feminists to oust real feminists from the Feminists forum way back then, which they resumed when DU3 was created?
Why? Because you can't carry the day by honest discourse, by sincere exchange, by making your own cases in the way cases are made in civil circles?
Just asking.
Juror #3 asks "why does this person continue to be here if she's so unhappy with DU?"
Well, Juror #3, because somebody's gotta do it. Somebody's gotta stand up for what is right, and for the victims of the hatred of women that permeates this website, and of course the world. Somebody's gotta be willing to get kicked repeatedly by people who should by rights fall over because of their lack of a leg to stand on, but manage to get propped up by the swarm of buddies who rush in to prosecute the war. I don't give a fuck, you see? I've been on the receiving end of those kicks for a very long time, in all the areas of the struggle for social justice I have been active in for decades, and I realized long ago that I didn't actually feel them. So I'd just stand in front of anybody else the kicks were aimed at, who might feel them more, until they were ready. Look how it's worked here. You all have the perfect target: somebody who is not felled by the blows, who does not even lie down and play dead. You all can just keep kicking over and over, and I don't give a flying fuck. It just provides the opportunity to hold you all up to the light for what you are. Schoolyard bullies who know exactly what you are doing.
Many others have been too sickened, although not actually hurt, by the goings on to remain. Many, many others. Not just feminists. Progressives of all varieties. ("Progressive" means something; it is not a new-fangled word for the insipid self-interested "liberal".) This is not the DU where people with intelligence and knowledge could share information and experience. That DU died years ago. This is the Jerry Springer show. People who won't look in a mirror, couldn't bear it if they did, throwing stones at people they know are better.
And at this point, they have won. They have taken this battlefield. They have taken DU for the misogynists, the gun militants,* the free-speech provocateurs, the right wing in all its outcroppings. Sadly for them, they probably think this means something.
* I see I missed Juror #5 when adding gun militants to my juror exclusion list, which I never did get around to paying much attention to. That thing about telling admins how to run the website? That's all about my ATA posts that resulted in the tombstoning of three right-wing cretins in the Guns forum who had been posting material to make the case that the Obama administration deliberately engineered the sales of guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used in untold numbers of killings in Mexico ... to drum up support for more gun control. Talk about yer loony but really blatantly right-wing conspiracy theories, eh? But I was the only Guns poster to take exception to it, and to bring it to the administrators' attention, with the absolutely proper result. "Why she has never been Tombstoned, or had her posting privileges revoked is beyond me" is the lament that can be found everywhere on the internet where the gun militant faction of the right wing natters about me. Just fyi and all.
Despised by the right wing, reviled by ... well, whoever it is who is prosecuting this vendetta. Funny, eh?
(38,549 posts)ALERTER'S COMMENTS:
This poster has been on a crusade against the LBGT group ever since she was blocked from posting there. The line about "LBGT-oriented feminists" is a reference to an epic battle in the Fem group started when iverglas tried to include such language in the Feminists' group SoP.
... the Jury voted 2-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: I will not vote to hide a post simply because a poster does not like its respectfully phrased contents. If this alerter does not like Meta type discussions they can trash the thread or place the poster they are concerned with on ignore. The jury mechanism is not meant to be an organ of censorship, it is intended to uphold the Community Standards not to squelch dissent.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: just here to cause trouble and hi-jack the thread
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: There are some unresolved issues that are specific to that group, I am not part of that group and cop out with a "let them handle there own business" chip. I think discussion may help work things out, censorship certainly will not. It is for them to decide which way to go, there were no overt insults or nasty remarks in the post so I can't (won't) hide it for that reason.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: I think anyone on DU who decides to defend a potential opening for bigotry does so at their own peril; however I don't think this post does more than perhaps dredge up old arguments. It does not appear disruptive in the strict sense; it is not particularly rude or hurtful; it *is* perhaps insensitive, but only to someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of DU's past flamewars. If the poster here crosses the line into defending bigots -- and I'm not convinced that day can be avoided -- she can be removed from the discourse for having violated the site's Terms of Service. In the meantime, I see little advantage to hiding this post.
I found it especially amusing that a HOST of this bleeding group, me, who had already posted in the thread requesting that the group's statement of purpose be observed, was described as "just here to cause trouble and hi-jack the thread". Very funny.
And the juror who doesn't think the day can be avoided when I cross the line into defending bigots? Get a hobby. Something other than posting crap about DUers you don't know (or hm, do know but don't care to portray accurately?).
This thread in the Feminists group has now had over 1000 views.
All, I am sure, from committed feminists eager to read other feminists' news and views.
The thread in Help & Meta-discussion has gone as might have been expected:
and I do hope more members of this group will take a look.
This vendetta against the women who have been committed to the Feminists group since it was created goes from bizarre to more bizarre.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)at our expense. I'm aghast at the alerts and hidden posts.
(38,549 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 8, 2012, 09:50 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm bumping the original text of this post down to the bottom to add this, and ask the question in the subject line.
I'm amazed only one person got nuked in that thread
203. I'm amazed only one person got nuked in that thread
Not only is it full of open, almost celebratory transphobia, but it is drenched in a heavy anti-lesbian vibe. Some regular posters do just about everything except outright refer to many DU lesbians as a marauding group of male-identified bull dykes - they just heavily intimate it in their language.
Am I the only one who read that thread and wondered how tombstones weren't aflyin'?
What a bunch of fucking bigots we have here.
The reason for the alert was:
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
You added the following comments:
"What a bunch of fucking bigots we have here."
The reference is to members of the Feminists group at DU, posting in a thread in the Feminists group's forum. That is plain from the post; the subject of the OP is a post in that exact thread.
The fact that it is not a remotely accurate characterization of the discussion in that group is not relevant.
What matters is that it has never been acceptable for DU members to call other DUers, individually or by broad-brush smears, "bigots". That principle has been upheld by juries at DU3 and most DUers hope to see it maintained. Thank you.
A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this post at Wed Feb 8, 2012, 04:12 AM, and voted 1-5 to keep it.
Thank you.
That work for you, folks?
The members of this group are a bunch of fucking bigots?
For any ignorant souls in the vicinity, "male-identified" HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH TRANSGENDERED.
It is a term used to refer to women who identify with THE PATRIARCHY, who see their interests as lying in agreeing with and supporting men who oppose feminists and feminism. Phyllis Schlafly. Anita Bryant. Surely the third-wavers have someone in their living memory they can think of. We have lots of them right here at DU.
God all fucking mighty.
Sadly, I'm the pefect lightning rod / scapegoat.
So many lies have been posted about me over so many years at this site by a very particular element, there are probably people who actually believe them.
See my post on marriage that I've just bumped up.
The quantity and quality of people by whom one is hated has always seemed to me like a decent measure of one's worth.
And hell, if it wasn't me, it'd be you.

(38,549 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 8, 2012, 03:42 PM - Edit history (1)
http://www.democraticunderground.com/11374546#post2And don't miss the fine bit of psychoanalysis just below that one.
Too rich, really!
Neoma, re your post in the thread linked just below here: Thanks. A lot. Did you not read the thread you were posting in?
Here ya go, GC
Defend that now, will you?
And see my latest post here for the sequel:
... oh heck, I'll just c and p it:
If you're referring to a certain Canadian...
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
"If you're referring to a certain Canadian...
...that one is simply a vicious, toxic personality."
Okay, the group is protected and gets to discuss its *issues* as it chooses.
Does this really, really include discussing other *another DUer* using language like this? -- one whose identity is known to everybody in the group, and anybody outside it who has the slightest knowledge of recent events -- and who is identified by nationality, moreover?
Can one hope not?
A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this alert at Wed Feb 8, 2012, 01:10 PM, and voted 3-3 to LEAVE IT ALONE.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: The poster should alert on the DU'er he's sniping at directly, and NEVER take pot shots at fellow DU'ers. This is a personal attack, nothing else. DU'er needs to try this again, the right way.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: Disruptive call out. Counter-intuitive, perhaps, but restraint might be the better way out of this conflict.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: I don't have a clue who might be the one indicated in the post. People need to butt out of the groups and stop trying to run them from the outside.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
At least it's nice to see at least two people who are still operating out of goodwill and in good faith.
But the message is clear, isn't it?
No one in the LGBT even commented negatively on that post, let alone alerted on it for the vile personal attack it was. (Note that the poster in question is a Guns forum regular, the attack via my nationality being a standard in that forum, and posted in this group yesterday in the most inappropriate way ... and yet was not attacked, or even banned from the group ... as more than one host did think would be appropriate ...)
That group will do as it fucking well pleases, to whom it fucking well pleases, and its victims can go fuck themselves.
And will just keep on pretending and denying when called on its behaviour.
But hey ... maybe the surveillance team will heed that last comment:
"People need to butt out of the groups and stop trying to run them from the outside."
Okay, maybe that juror was practising telling jokes with a straight face.
Why am I the only one who notices, who doesn't pretend not to notice, who doesn't tie myself in knots excusing that kind of behaviour?
Oh, redqueen and a few others got there ahead of you, I'm afraid. Obviously, I'm in that same camp.
(38,549 posts)(that's the post I am replying to)
This is just trying to start an inner board flamefest. There's no reason for links for links from LBGT to the feminist group in order to "rally the troops" or malign the other group or whatever her intention is here.
... the Jury voted 2-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: Come on...these alerts are getting ridiculous.
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: I don't see why the poster isn't allowed to raise the issue of other members posting about them in Meta. It's bemoaning the state of DU and it's done within the Community Standards. I see no reason to hide this post. You have the option to ignore this poster or trash the thread.
Heck, maybe the hosts of the Feminists group will ban me from posting here, if enough shots are fired.
(36,174 posts)Clearly whoever's behind the two spiteful and vindictive alerts you've posted isn't a feminist and wants to start a big shitfight between feminists and the LGBT community at DU. Let's not play into their hands. There's feminists at DU who are part of the LGBT community, and while only one or two have been hostile to the feminists group, there's many more who must be feeling extremely uncomfortable and unwelcome when they read the stuff in H&M and here. I'd like them to feel welcome and not feel like they're walking into a shitfight that they're not a part of...
So, instead of focusing on who's been banned (and for the record while I strongly opposed the questionable banning of Sera Bellum, I would have voted to hide Feldspar's posts and have no reason to question the judgement of the member of the MIRT who revoked their posting privileges) and which posts here are hidden or alerted on, how about we ignore it all and just post about feminism and issues that affect us as women?
(110,159 posts)Response to Violet_Crumble (Reply #40)
Post removed
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)I've read the posted jury decisions and rebuttals and I side with the juries in every case where a post was hidden.
Want to stop the shitfights between members of this group and others? Lock threads that go OT. Warn and if necessary block visitors and members who keep bringing the shitfight into this group.
The above is JMHO and as usual I'm on the wrong side of the cheering section here so I'm done with this group.
(115,177 posts)Explaining what the hell all of that is even supposed to mean.
I had no idea that that Feldspar person was displaying anti-trans bigotry. None whatsoever. But it's nice to see that a troll can post one or two things and get everyone going at each other here.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)To say that I'm not in the cheering section is to say that I don't agree with the majority opinion here.
I'm not rehashing the transphobia argument here. The Meta thread is the place where that belongs.
However, I will reiterate: THIS group's hosts can act to stop OT fights here by locking threads when they are derailed and by warning and if necessary blocking visitors and group members who show a pattern of threadjacking.
I said I was done with this group but I came back to respond to you and also to say I'm glad that you're back.
(115,177 posts)I know we have disagreements here, and some of those seem to be intractable, but it is my hope that we can still discuss issues on which we all agree, and be respectful in our disagreements on those intractable issues, but I'm sure I've fallen far short of those lofty goals myself on more than a few occasions.
(38,549 posts)but that strikes me as a rather large issue, and starting a new thread on it that would be on display for the world and its dog to see on Latest struck me as a bad idea.
On the original issue raised, much ink has indeed been spilt!
Generally, many feel that women who choose to identify with patriarchal attitudes and definitions of women's concerns gain more by doing that than they stand to lose if they don't.
What they gain could vary widely: dateability ... protection from having to examine the disadvantages they suffer themselves as women and thus possibly lose the benefits of thinking "I'm not one of them" and having to deal with how being oppressed affects their self-image ...
I decided long ago that while I had assets that enabled me to overcome many of the inherent disadvantages of being a woman, I am in fact une femme comme les autres -- an ordinary woman. And I decided that all the young men who said things like "wow, you're not like other women" might be intending it as a compliment, but I had to remember what was really behind it: the notion that women were not smart and competent and independent, and the unfortunate fact that many women act as if they are not smart and competent and independent, whether because they have not been allowed to or they have been taught not to or they have decided doing otherwise is more profitable.
I always hope that at some point, people with attitudes like this will encounter a crisis of cognitive dissonance.
An example, I have found from personal experience, is the good-hearted, well-meaning "pro-lifer" who truly believes that abortion is bad for women and pro-choice feminists are ogres who do not care about women. I've turned a few personally by unwittingly rebutting that notion, e.g. by demonstrating more concern on an internet board for a woman obviously suffering from horrific post-partum depression than all the "pro-lifers" did with their "you must love your baby you awful woman, get on with it and stop complaining". And then we moved on to all the ways that abortion is good for some women, and denying women abortions is really very bad for some women, and that one-time anti-choicer became a bit of a strong advocate for choice.
Because she saw herself as a good person who truly cared about women (and clearly was), she could no longer adhere to an ideology that harms women. It conflicted with her self-image as a good person, so it had to go.
What kind of dissonance would it take for a male-identified woman to come around?
I guess, to start with, she might have to really care about women, and then get tired of sitting on the suitcase full of dissonance because her actions aren't consistent with caring about women.
Another kind might arise more out of plain self-interest. The senior executive fails to get the promotion and can just not deny, no matter how much she has denied to herself and the world that she is une femme comme les autres, that it is because she's a woman, what is she to do?
Sit hard on the suitcase of dissonance and try to keep it from getting out, by whatever means necessary no matter how illogical or self-defeating, or let it all out and let her world and worldview shift as it may? Which will feel better in the long run?
If women really do get more by identifying with men and men's definitions of women, etc., than by taking up the cause against things that genuinely harm women, there isn't likely much one can do.
Rich people really do get more by keeping their money than by giving it away or voting for it to be taxed away -- unless they have a really strong ethical definition of what a good person is and are really attached to their own image of themself as a good person, and as a result can't tolerate the dissonance that being rich and stingy causes them.
As long as some people have more invested in either
- their "me"ness and rejection of shared "woman"ness (my freedom of speech, my freedom to do what I want, you're not the boss of me, I'm not like the others)
- the benefits they gain by not identifying with women (more dates, more security, speaking tours and book deals -- whatever is more available to "I'm not a feminist" women than to others)
than in their self-image as a woman who cares about other women, I can't think of much that will persuade them. What would it take to persuade an Ann Coulter or a Margaret Thatcher? A whole lot of money, maybe.
And that leaves not much in the way to talk to them, I guess.
(29,047 posts)I think most DUers agree with the most basic tenets/values of feminism: 1) equality is preferable over inequality; 2) gender equality currently doesn't exist; 3) steps can be taken to help remedy this situation.
I wonder what communication strategies we should use to get our various points across more effectively.
Should we stick to broad topics, and then ask pointed questions so the yet-to-be-converted will come to the desired conclusions?
Should we use humor?
Should we mostly stick to sexism in the media, so it is less personal to fellow DUers?
Improvements have been made from generation to generation, so maybe new communication tactics aren't needed?
I don't really know. What do you think?
(110,159 posts)laconicsax
(14,860 posts)Namely the notion that most DUers agree that gender equality doesn't exist. Yes, progressives *should* know and understand this, but progressives don't always hold uniformly progressive views and, as pointed out with some frequency, this is a Democratic board, not a progressive one.
I stopped going into GD in DU2 because I got tired of the incessant bullshit about both equality having been achieved and men now being the repressed group.
It may be that I was reacting to a vocal minority, but the lack of challenges to those lies was telling.
The first assumption, that equality is preferred to inequality appears to only be true (when discussing feminism) in the Animal Farm sense of some being more equal than others.
DU is aggressively anti-feminist and I don't think that examining communication strategies will accomplish all that much.
(38,549 posts)I would add, and you might not agree, that the constant spoken and unspoken admonition that women's interests are secondary (at best) to every other disadvantaged group's interests is alive and well at DU, continuing what women have been told since ... well, there were slavery/emancipation and temperance ...
(29,047 posts)I think most DUers think the first assumption describes themselves. I think they perceive themselves as people who value equality over inequality.
If DU3 had polls, I would make one about the second premise. Perhaps I will make an OP about it later in GD. How should the question be worded? Perhaps: "According to your opinion, does the US have gender equality?" Is that a fair way to ask?
What other tactic(s) do we have available? Seems to me the basis of all politics and persuasion is communication.
(14,860 posts)If you went to FR and posted about Obama's accomplishments (or *'s crimes), you wouldn't be well-received no matter how expertly you communicate or how clever your strategy.
I think your poll idea is a good one, given three choices: Yes, No (women are unequal), and No (men are unequal). I'm not sure that the second choice there would do any better than a plurality.
(29,047 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 8, 2012, 04:55 AM - Edit history (1)
Additionally, their group expectations makes them police themselves, as well as each other. Group expectations greatly influence people. So two profound barriers exists against that line of persuasion.
On the other hand, except perhaps for a few trolls, DUers identify as being very tolerant and pro-civil rights. Our group expectations reaffirms this; but we greatly disagree on some of the details; e.g., almost all of us agree on the n-word, but not on the c-word. We agree on ultimate goals, but not methods. The barriers we have don't involve identity, they mostly involve education in my opinion. They think the way I thought when I was 15-years-old. I can be thick headed at times, but I was able to learn, so I think we can reach many (but definitely not all) of our fellow DUers on this issue.
(38,549 posts)To persuade someone, you first have to identify your existing common ground -- the fundamental values that you share. Then you proceed from there to see whether their specific positions are consistent or inconsistent with those values.
The problem that arises, of course, is that the fundamental values that we all share (not just us good guys) are in fundamental conflict from the outset: we all value freedom, and we all value security, for ourselves and for everyone. It becomes a question of which side each of us comes down on on any particular issue: freedom/security, me/the rest of you.
But it is still the only way to begin a persuasive argument. With your n-word/c-word example, start by identifying the facts relevant to the decision in the first case (historical disadvantage, etc.), the values to which the proscription on the one responds, how the proscription promotes or infringes one value or the other, how it subordinates the me to the rest of you or vice versa, and how your interlocutor conducted the balancing and tradeoff exercise to arrive at their preferred result.
Then apply it all mutatis mutandis to the other group. Your interlocutor needs to come up with relevant distinctions in order to reject the proposal that the two are like and must be treated as like. If "free speech" doesn't defeat a prohibition on one word, then it can't defeat a prohibition on the other word, unless there is some distinction between the situations that actually operates to make them unlike in a material way.
The huge barrier to doing this here, I'd say, is just the monumentally incivil discourse that is practised and rewarded here. One cannot ask a simple, straightforward question without being met by diversion; one cannot make a simple, straightforward statement without being met by misrepresentation. And always the character assassination at every turn.
Maybe somebody could model the process for the audience here.
(29,047 posts)should also define our terms often.
I am not certain, but I sometimes suspect people have different definitions for the word "patriarchy."
I started a mindful approach last night with two posters in the following thread.
I am trying to be inviting and informative while preserving the dignity of the person I am talking with.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)And let them come up with the suggestions about what "we" should do?
Whadya think?
(29,047 posts)Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Hmmm, Seabeyond PMd me to tell me you were actually one of the good guys. And just when I'd run across a post of yours elsewhere that had me convinced she was right, you choose to respond like that instead of taking the hint or engaging in a productive way.
Here's where I'm coming from: From its inception, as a lurker I watched the Feminist "group" have to deal with an untold number of men wander through to tell the women here how to run things, what to think, how to be, what to do and what not do, how to behave in general. You know, the normal way men treat women. It never made sense to me why it was allowed, but then the rank sexism of Du as a whole never made sense to me either.
But from your response here, it's apparent that clearly, you feel entitled to be here -- ahh, that wonderful, all-pervasive sense of male entitlement. Whatever else happens, men can always fall back on that, always rely on that, can't they? And of course, technically, if you fit the Group's mission and behave yourself and all that, you are entirely entitled to be here. No question. It just seems to me that a sensitive pro-feminist male would be cognizant of such things and tread lightly, if at all. And perhaps reassure someone who raised the issue instead of bristle defensively.
And yes, you're free to be here and I'm perfectly free to find the clear sense of entitlement demonstrated offensive.
Here's further where I'm coming from, not that I think you care. My feeling about any man wanting to support feminism and women's rights at DU is: Fabulous! In that case, go where you're needed most -- go do battle standing up for women and feminism in GD where a good, strong, firm, unwavering pro-woman male voice (or twenty) is SORELY needed on a freakin' daily basis.
(29,047 posts)I have spent many hours on DU defending feminism. I have spent time crafting arguments, and trying different rhetorical techniques, in an attempt to soften people's positions. I have been told that it is futile, and I have been called naive, but I won't stop trying.
Additionally, I have spent many hours preparing for debates on the subject of gender, at my university. I have recited my opening and closing arguments over and over again in front of a mirror in hopes a confident performance may sway some in the audience. I have never lost a gender debate in an official setting because of all the preparation I do.
Then I am told my input is no longer wanted? That hurt.
Sharks patrol our waters. We shouldn't throw them any meat.
(135,060 posts)here in this group, the rest of DU and in any public or official setting.
(29,047 posts)Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Wish I'd have seen more of it up close and personal because it sure would be nice to know of some male allies around. I invite you to PM me when you're doing the Goddess's work in some thread on DU, will you?
I really don't know what to say about your feelings getting hurt, probably because you haven't yet acknowledged my POV and concern. IOW, it feels like you still don't get it (re what I was saying), and worse, don't particularly care to, and of course that your hurt feeliings are a suitable excuse for that. Perhaps you can dissuade me of this unflattering picture of you?
(29,047 posts)I probably will, unless I forget.
I understand having non-feminist men coming around to boss everyone around can be incredibly annoying.
When an "in group" (men in this case) is challenged, they usually become upset. "In groups" are not used to being challenged, so they may take any criticism as bigotry or silliness. This is why I think some non-feminist men sometimes patrol the Feminist group.
I do feel I have the right to go where I am welcomed.
I don't know.
I agree.
I did not feel as if any issue was raised in your original post to me. I felt like I was being told to go away.
I agree. I will never tell anyone here what should or should not offend them.
My only jury-hidden post on DU3: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=155718
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)I don't understand this:
Are you saying you just had an emotional response and therefore didn't get the underlying message, or that you don't actually understand that men are always wandering in here -- and everywhere -- and telling women how to conduct every little thing about their lives? You seemed to get it, based on the first part of this post:
So, I'm confused.
LOL on your one hidden post on DU. Feels good, sometimes, to just spit it out no matter where the chips fall, doesn't it?
(29,047 posts)After you explained it, in your second post, I understood.
Yes, but I didn't accomplish anything other than getting myself kicked from the thread. But yea, it felt good.
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)I appreciate your posts and perspective.
(29,047 posts)ZombieHorde
(29,047 posts)and she wants to know specifics. Can you give me a link or a specific example of what you have in mind?
This is the thread I'm having the conversation in.
I would like to talk to her about it, but she wants to know exactly of she is being accused of. If I have a concrete example, then we may be able to find common ground, and/or "clear" her of any accusations. We may gain an ally.