Related: About this forumColumn: Give Karen Santorum Author Credit for Co-Writing Her Husband’s Book
On February 21, 2012, in Column, by Tina Dupuy
On paper Rick Santorum is not a generous man. Hes the most religious; the staunchest of the moralists; the fastest to the Bible thumpyist; the preachiest of the preachy in this race. Hes the most giant-government-forcing-you-to-be-holy of the small-government-for-corporations-only candidates. Yet according to his tax returns, he gives the least amount to charity of anyone else running. In 2010 Santorum gave 1.75 percent of his nearly million dollars of income. That same year President Obama gave 14.2 percent of his income to charity topping the most giving of the Republican candidates, Mitt Romney. Thats a whopping 12 percent difference with a president who Santorum says doesnt have an agenda based on the Bible.
In Santorums 2005 book, It Takes a Family, the Senator wrote: The radical feminists succeeded in undermining the traditional family and convincing women that professional accomplishments are the key to happiness.
And Ricks recent declaration that prenatal testing leads to more abortions only solidifies the caricature of him as a shady backwoods holy man in any Timothy Olyphant television show. Its condescending to women to be told they dont need to worry their pretty little head about the health of their baby because if they had knowledge theyd ruin their lives with an abortion. It makes Santorum look anti-women-being-educated-and-properly-informed. Because giving birth is the most important role in life anything else is worthy of popular scorn.
Santorums team has sensed this woman thing could be an issue. So hes trying to soften the edges with the (ahem) softer sex. Last week when ABC News George Stephanopoulos asked about the anti-women working passages in his book Santorum said his wife, Karen co-wrote those passages.
I could make all these problems for Rick as a candidate go away. I have one simple solution: Give Karen an author credit. Yes, It Takes a Family, admittedly took a family to write, so why not accredit the co-author on the cover? Currently Karen isnt even in the acknowledgement section let alone on the cover or in the catalog information. So why not announce that the mother of your children isnt just your personal incubator but is valued for her mind and opinion? It says your anti-women stance comes straight from the woman happily working in your own home. Do a re-issue of this collection of antiquated ramblings and tell the world shes the wife who made you the anti-women candidate you are today.
It accomplishes two things: It makes Santorum seem generous (again) on paper, and it makes all of that Neolithic women need to know their place rhetoric in his 464-page manifesto seem more this millennium.
Sure it takes a family to write a book but it takes a woman to make you look less like a sad desperate relic.
source and the rest:

(65,716 posts)I read an article that discussed how she lived with a physician who ran an abortion clinic when she was in her mid-20s. The physician was much older. They were not married. They traveled a lot and apparently she was very progressive. Then she ended up married to Rick Santorum.