arrested development- is it just me?
i tried watching it a while back, for some reason started w the 3rd season. wasnt impressed.
decided to give it another try recently. liked the pilot, liked season 1.
but half way through s 2, i just cant. its the same joke, ad nauseam.
just me? does it get better?

tried it when it first came out. It didn't matter how many chances I gave it, I never got it. So I'm with you 1000% mopinko!
(4,349 posts)It gets much worse as it drones on.
(24,268 posts)In fact, named my border collie pup after the character Maybe. It's not for everyone, clearly, but I thought it was hilarious.
(12,685 posts)I loved the first three seasons, but the fourth season they did about 10 years ago fell flat for me. The final season they did about 5 years ago was better.
(18,421 posts)...however I have just recently re discovered Buffy (Spikes definitely binge worthy) and Malcom in the Middle ( I forgot how funny it is..and I wanna be that mom!)
(24,736 posts)It's one of my favorite comedy shows. Although I didn't like the last season or two when Netflix picked it up.