Netflix - "Apple Cider Vinegar: - maybe the the best series I've watched in a long time.
A contemporary story - it couldn't have been written 30 years ago. A series of 3 women dealing with cancer, 2 making money off their stories, one who thinks she's cured herself, one who lies about her story, the other that finds a different path to health and acceptance. Great acting, and such an indictment of the the internet age of healthcare.
Thought I'd probably give up on the story, but the this series was so damn compelling. Explains a lot about the current internet-based social construct of our reality today, actually.

radical noodle
(9,470 posts)
(1,575 posts)beaglelover
(4,203 posts)At first, it had a copy cat feel to 'Inventing Anna' until it more thoroughly introduced the other 2 main characters and their stories. So far, I really like it. The production value is very high and the acting is very good. I do recognize one of the actors from Succession is in this as well. For those in the know, I believe his character's name on Succession was Nate.