Related: About this forumDear NTs
Dear NTs..
Please shut up and stop saying you understand because you don't.
Please stop saying I'm using my Autism as an excuse. Because all your doing is making me want to hit you even more.
Please stop complaining about how my stimming makes you feel uncomfortable. You idiots have made me uncomfortable my whole life.
Please stop nit picking everything I do and than say I need to "buck up". I got an idea, how about I grind every single little imperfection about you into your face and than tell you to buck up when you get all pissy about it.
Please stop telling me I have no reason to be angry because trust me I have plenty and it's mostly you idiots that cause them.
Lastly, I will stop talking to you like your idiots when you get it through your thick skulls that no I can't just turn it off, that I fight to hold it back everyday, that I have poured years worth of effort into the basic social skills that most of you cretins take for granted!
An Angry Aspie

(9,688 posts)AAO
(3,300 posts)Exactly. I like using the shorthand. It applies to anyone with a so-called normal brain.
De Leonist
(225 posts)I would have thought I'm not the only one that can get fed up with the willful ignorance of Neurotypicals.