Just found out I need a CPAP.
Had a sleep study done Friday night. The technician came in and put me on a CPAP machine and I got more rest.
The doctor at the sleep center called me on Saturday and said she would work with me on the type of mask. I have the nervous system kind of sleep apnea, not the obstructive kind.
I've had insomnia nearly my whole life, would stay up late, unable to go to sleep, and sleep late until the afternoon. We're talking sleeping 5 am to 3 pm. I thought I was tired all the time because of hypothyroidism since the age of eleven.
I went to the dentist on good Friday and they gave me a halcion and I stopped breathing. They yelled at me to wake up and breathe. So that's why I got a sleep study.
(1,995 posts)gosh that's scary! Im glad you had the
study done. I hope it helps.
I'd like to have a sleep study done myself!
(68,644 posts)I hope this works for you.
(113,131 posts)You'll need a period of adjustment to get used to it but you should feel quite a bit better very quickly
As for your sleep/wake cycles, that might not be amenable to wearing a CPAP, it could easily be severe delayed sleep phase disorder. I have that one, too. If I am forced out of bed before noon, I might be vertical, clothed, and with words coming out of my mouth, but I am NOT awake. This has been a lifelong pattern in my case, so I've had to hustle for evening and night jobs. Day jobs were torture.
Moving to China would only help for a few weeks. Then I'd adjust to their day/night and be back at square one.
(21,046 posts)Being a zombie. I needed to get a job in night court.
I used to be a court reporter--the poor schmuck who sits in front of the witness stand and bangs on a stenograph machine.
(113,131 posts)in the evening, everything from the Fed to retail. Eventually, I went into nursing, working evenings and nights in comfortable shoes. Best of all worlds.
When I was a kid, I'd drag myself through school, come home and go unconscious for a few hours, wake up for supper and do my homework. I stayed awake until at least 3 AM listening to late night AM radio with my ear against the speaker so my folks couldn't hear. I could get stations all over the country and it was fascinating. Some stations would play gutbuster blues, others would do old radio shows, and a few carried Garner Ted Armstrong, which I thought was satire.
Imagine my shock when I found out old Garner Ted was serious.
My mother said I had my days and nights mixed up even in infancy, so this is a lifelong thing for me.
Delayed sleep phase disorder is likely underreported, sufferers trying to work day jobs by medicating themselves into unconsciousness at night. Medication really doesn't work, nor does retraining. I think day jobs are likely as hard on our body systems as night jobs are on normal people.
(71,912 posts)i think for the most part the folks who feel amazingly better with them are the ones with obstructive apnea. i have both kinds, and while i sleep somewhat more restfully with my cpap, it wasn't the miracle everybody told me it would be.
(36,286 posts)until you get one that's comfortable!
(9,311 posts)I used to get sleep apnea whenever the city of Albuquerque sprayed pesticides. My environmental dr said to take everything out of your bedroom except your bed and dresser, sleep on unscented sheets, close all your closets and eliminate rugs, books and anything that will collect dust or off gas. She also said to make sure you have nothing made with plywood that might off gas formaldehyde. I even got an air purifier until I moved to super clean air in the country. It has not happened to me since I moved here. It will also happen if I go to the ocean and sleep in a motel that has mold. I'm also super sensitive to drugs and will not take any meds.