Clinical trial for Sjogren's Syndrome recruitig volunteers:
The purpose of the study is to find out if the experimental study agent, baminercept, is effective in treating patients with Sjögren's syndrome. The study will also determine if the study agent can be safely given to patients with Sjögren's syndrome; examine how it affects symptoms of the disease; and attempt to understand how baminercept affects the underlying mechanisms of Sjögren's syndrome and the immune system.
I'm not eligible because of one of my scripts

(113,131 posts)The biologicals scare the hell out of me. Not only am I colonized with every bug known to man after 25 years in nursing, I seroconverted to Hep B before there was a vaccine, probably due to a job back in the Paleolithic when I gave injectable drugs with glass syringes and reusable needles.
(36,286 posts)I can't go on the study because of one of my scripts that i don't want to give up.
(1,805 posts)It's amazing when you mention Sjogren's to a health professional and they get a blank look on their face. I have leukemia (CLL) and a host of other autoimmune issues, but Sjogren's has to be the worst thing I've ever experienced. It really affects pretty much every aspect of life. No sun, skin like sandpaper, intimacy problems (oh joy), mouth problems (this one is particularly awful, at least for me), dry eyes, nose, ears, etc, etc.
Well, I certainly don't need to tell either of you. I had to diagnose myself by researching on the net as no doctor had a clue when I went to anyone other than a rheumatologist. I've been to three and they all seemed a bit clueless as well. And the drugs (such as they are) are beyond expensive even with fairly good insurance and they didn't help anyway. One of them (can't remember the name at the moment), I never even tried as the side effects seemed horrendous! Ok, rant over. Take good care and keep us posted if you hear anything positive from the trial.