My brother was diagnosed last week with type 2 Diabetes...........
the doctor gave him two medications (I'm waiting to be told what they are) and the doc said they would control his diabetes and also to watch his carbs.
He was not given a glucose meter, told what was too high or too low, no information on diet, etc. Brother came over today I took his blood and the glucometer read 290, way too high. My brother didn't understand it was high, because the doctor never gave him any instructions.
I'm pissed at the doctor. This is all new for my brother, he's flying blind with no support from the doctor. My brother does have me (also Type 2) to come to, but I can't hold his hand.
A doc just can't hand out meds and say that will take care of it, there's more to handling diabetes than watch your carbs and take 2 kinds of pills a day.

(113,131 posts)The pharmacist can help him choose one, along with a bottle of test strips and a finger poker, if that doesn't come with the meter.
He needs to check his sugar every morning when he wakes up, before he's had anything to eat or drink. He needs to check his level if he starts to feel dizzy, hungry, sweaty, or anything he generally doesn't feel, especially if he's on a blood sugar lowering drug.
I usually don't recommend Dr. Google, but his doctor needed to do some teaching. Even when they turf it off to a nurse in the office, there is some diabetic teaching that needs to be done, especially when meds are prescribed. The ADA has a great page to get him started in learning about his new diagnosis:
It would be helpful to know what drugs he's on, if he's on one that directly lowers glucose. If he is, the doctor's negligence borders on the criminal level.
290 is higher than anyone wants it to be, but it's not a panic value. It's something that needs to be brought down ASAP because the longer it stays that high, the higher the risk of complications.
Tell him the referral he needs to chase is to an endocrinologist. Those are the doctors who take care of diabetics. Even if he is able to control it with diet, he does need to be followed long term.
(4,033 posts)The diabetic medication he was prescribed is Invokamet Also learned that a side effect of Invokamet is low blood pressure.
The 3 other medications he was prescribed are not to control his diabetes and are for a condition he has never been diagnosed with they are:
Norvasc for high blood pressure
Hydrodiuril for high blood pressure
Avapro for high blood pressure
In regard to the Invokamet, he gets $4600 a year from the corporation to pay for it for up to 4 years. There's no means testing for this amount. If there was he wouldn't get it, his income is in the high 5 figures, with just his wife and daughter as dependents.
I told him that some doctors will describe a high blood pressure medication as a prophylactic if you're a diabetic. But it's usually lisinipril or its likes and it's one pill a day.
I told him to call his doc first thing in the morning, demand to know why he was prescribed 3 non-generic high blood pressire medications, when he's never been diagnosed with it, 2 a prescription (order) for a monitor, test strips, access to a diabetes educator and he wants to be changed to generic drug(s) for his diabetes and see how that controls it. I said if the doctor says this program works for his other patients, my brother should tell him he's opted out of this doctor's care.
My question, which brother won't ask, is how much are these pharmaceutical companies paying this doctor to prescribe these medications.
Norvasc and hydrodiuril are old drugs, available as generics, and cheaper than dirt. Norvasc is a caclium channel blocker that regulates heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Hydrodiuril is a diuretic, removing excess fluid. Avapro is an angiotensin II antagonist and is used to help repair kidney problems in diabetics, which makes me think his renal function tests were a little off.
The Invokamet is a fairly new medication that combines metformin and canagliflozin, a drug that stabilizes glucose and lowers A1c. It can also cause episodes of low blood pressure, so he needs to ask his doctor about that one, especially if he feels woozy or starts to black out.
Invokamet has a black box warning because the metformin can cause a lactic acid buildup in some people, so if he has muscle aches and weakness, severe sleepiness, and difficulty breathing, it's ER time. It's an extremely rare problem. I've never seen it in practice.
There is also a lawsuit stating the drug contributes to ketoacidosis, but as yet that one is unproven.
It sounds like a good drug for someone with fairly new diabetes 2, with low risk for things like hypoglycemia. The combination sounds more like it's compensating for kidney problems rather than treating hypertension. It's also good that he's getting help to pay for it, since it's a new drug.
It would still be a good idea for him to get a meter. Anyone with new onset diabetes, no matter how mild, needs to know what his blood sugar is doing.
Response to Warpy (Reply #3)
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(154,021 posts)one I take with me over the course of the day... and the other at home for daily testing. Yeah, yeah the joy of low blood sugars...oy.
As to metmoriin, it is an extremely side effect. Hell, Metmorfin is usually the first line med for new diabetes diagnosis. It is cheap, it works... I am confused.
(2,682 posts)If I had to do it all over, I would go to an endocrinologist when first diagnosed. That type of doctor specializes in diabetes and would be the best one to evaluate and prescribe. And, more importantly, monitor kidney function to prevent kidney failure down the line. Knowing all that I know about diabetes now, I wouldn't be satisfied with the doctor's information your brother is reporting. I also would think he would be referred to a dietitian for further advice on nutrition and information on a diabetic diet.
It may not totally be the doctor's lack of informing him. It could be your brother didn't really participate in the appointment. I had a husband like that -- he never asked questions of his doctor and therefore never really knew what was going on with his own body. For example, he came home one time with a bottle of a very powerful cough medicine. I asked him what that was for as I wasn't aware that he was sick. He said he didn't know, his doctor just prescribed it. I really got upset when he came home from an appointment and said he had to have an operation. What For??? He said he wasn't sure but his doctor said he had to have it done. I went to the doctor, got the full diagnosis, had him show me in a medical book just what the problem was and what he was going to do about it (it was a hernia). Husband didn't ask any questions, just showed up when he was supposed to and submitted to whatever the doctor said. Hell, I've asked more about the surgery my CAT is having on Tuesday!!!
Whatever the situation, he should find someone who will give him a more aggressive plan for his condition.
(154,021 posts)the doctor might not be the person to do the education regardless. Many doctors are really not that good, in particular internists and family doctors.
These are usually Nurses, RDs, or Pharmacists. I would prefer the RD.
As to the testing. again, diabetes educator time.
290 is high, whether it is post prandial, or before a meal, if it is post, not as bad as it sounds, but not that good either.
I suspect the high bp are off label if he has never been diagnosed with it before, to protect micro circulation in the kidneys and eyes, for example but once again... don't take that upon yourself, have a diabetes educator do the work.
Useless in FL
(329 posts)when I had just turned age 70. I had been active all my life....I was a jogger and I participated for many years in road races and often came in first in my age group. was a surprise to me since there was nothing in my family history to indicate diabetes, though my Dad had high blood pressure, smoked and died at age 70 of a heart attack. My Mother, though, lived to age 92 even though she smoked.
I believe it all started 2 years before when I had a lipoma removed from by armpit....non-cancerous, thank goodness. I had a reaction to the bandaging (I think) that I had to keep on for 2 weeks before it was removed....I broke out into itchy hives, starting at the bandaged area and then spreading to my trunk, arms and legs. That rash took 6 months to get under control and I couldn't run because it made me sweat and that made the rashes worse. So for 2 years I did not exercise, and because of a situation at work, I was under a great deal of stress. I gained 40 pounds over my normal 105 weight, was drinking wine way too much and I was just miserable. Late in 2014 I got the flu and the symptoms, including on-going ear infections, went on for months. I still have a hearing loss from that episode.
Early in 2015, my health care coverage changed and they insisted on having a nurse make a home visit to evaluate my current health. She arrived on the appointment day just one day after a severe symptom flare-up when I had been taking ibuprofen and cold meds for 10+ days. Everything went fine until she took my blood pressure which was a shocking 220/110. She was so shocked that she waited for about 15 minutes and took it again....only this time it was worse. So, I made an emergency visit to my physician...actually she's a nurse practitioner.
At the Doctor's office, my high blood pressure was confirmed, so she ordered blood work and she discovered that my blood sugar was high too...the A1C showed that my sugar had been as high as 120-130. That day, my blood sugar was 110. She started my on a regimen of Amlodipine (10 mg) for high BP
and Metformin that two years later I'm still taking.
After that, I started on an aggressive exercise program (without any advice from health professionals) and I lost 40 plus pounds in 7 months so I now weigh about 101 lbs and I've maintained it since then. I measure my blood pressure every day and it's ranges from 104/65 to 118/71. My blood sugar is usually in the 80 to 90's range but will spike to 101 when I'm under a great deal of stress.
I really don't know why I have to continue with the medications and I worry that I'm taking them without thorough consideration ...
(4,033 posts)When you wrote that your A1C showed that your sugar had been 120-130, that's not high that is a good normal reading. Your current readings of 80's-90's range are fantastic. Spiking to 101, well 101 is a fantastic reading. I've spike to over 500 when I've been under stress.
My suggestion (I'm not a professional health care person) is to ask your doctor to allow you to remove the metformin from your regimen for say 2-3 months. During this time you would take your blood sugar, in the morning, after every meal & before bedtime. You would keep a log of these readings & if they're good you then could totally discontinue the metformin.
I negotiate with my doctor on occasion. I had terrible bowel disturbances while taking metformin, I was at 2000 mg a day. My doctor said that many of her patients were much better when taking metformin extended release. She wanted me again at 2000 mg a day. I told her that I would prefer 1000 mg a day. The 1000 mg ER a day has helped with the disturbances and my numbers are all good.
Our next negotiation will be how to remove the Lantus and novalog from my regimen. In 4 years I will be on medicare & I will not be able to afford these.
Let me know what you do. But I think your numbers are so normal.
(243 posts)or "pre-diabetes". I do not have a diagnosis of diabetes, but that is only because I took proactive steps to prevent it when my blood sugars began to trend too high (checked with my own meter). Higher blood sugars and/or Metabolic Syndrome are common as we grow older, and both will shorten our lives unless controlled.
Two resources I cannot recommend highly enough: the comprehensive website Blood Sugar 101 (there is also a companion book):
and Dr. Richard Bernstein's book:
"Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution".
Master the information presented in these and make it your own, and you will not suffer the catastrophic complications of diabetes.
(13,026 posts)My endrocine doc said to me just eat what you want. I looked at her like she had 3 heads.
I went on the keto diet,lost 52 lbs.
My bsl rarely tops 150,most of the time it's in the 80's to 115's
This endrocrineologist never took a lab workup nothing. She just stepped in when I was in the psych unit , and took over. I was too scared and really confused being in there for psych issues and a new T2 diagnosis.She ignored that I already had an endro I was happy with whom I have been going to for like 10 years.
I'm going back to my old endro. She is a great person. And she would not ever advise me to eat what I want. Right after being diagnosed.
(139 posts)every day (some killer hills thrown in there!). After surgery (for another ailment) I started using insulin and oral meds to control my BS. My doctor wants my A1C (check every 3 months) to be below 7 and I've always maintained that. However, I've found there are certain foods that will elevate my GS, such as steak (I know-not carbs) and Chinese food. I have to start my day with protein (usually eggs and 1 piece of dry, wheat toast). Over the years I've eliminated most red meat from my diet and I still walk at least 5x week for a minimum of 30 minutes. I've found for me the trick is exercise and watching what I eat! I also count carbs and TRY to not eat more than 30 carbs per day! Gotta read those labels. Hope this helps anyone dealing with this disease.
(35,936 posts)Just "watching" them isn't enough.
My wife was diagnosed Type 2, and basically turned it around in 6 months by counting carbs religiously. Lost 20 lbs, too. Her doctor now uses her as an example of how to deal with the disease.
This book helped immensely: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars.
(1,579 posts)They recommend eating too many carbs.
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Patterson This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,099 posts)Hi, I advise nightly sublingual (under the tounge) Melatonin, it upregulates the insulin receptor, makes the same insulin do more. And olive oil, increasing unsaturated fat (vegitable) reduces complication risk.
yes finger stick, walmart ones are cheeper then copays, start with b4 each meal. you could get by with one or two tests a day if you get it under control.
Going to the endoconogist very strongly reccomended, get the diabetic educatior, but a book on diaetes. basically the diet is to standardize your meals to a more fixed portions. Resistant starches, especially white beans really help curb spikes. I advise, just more vegtables, olive oil, melatonin and learning to set your carbohydtare portions more important than avoiding all sugars. Also if it gets more serious later, olive oil is a great back up energy source which makes one more able to handle lower blood sugars before a low blood sugar insulin reaction happens.
Also have him ask for Metformin, it's an anti caner med with good effect on diabetics, plus not toxic and easy to cease with out side effects. I know two older folks who went off the med after just paying attention to carbohydrate portions and Nightly Melatonin use.
(1,579 posts)with the sublingual Methylcobalamin type. Also, beware that the American Diabetes Association can be too lax in allowing too many carbs.