I have to share some good news.
I saw the retinologist yesterday and he said he was shocked at how good my vision was (I was diagnosed with dry macular degeneration 4 years ago). I have tried to do everything they told me including my dietary choices, taking the vitamins and other supplement they suggested. I wear my sunglasses religiously and have had my car windows tinted.
Maybe it is just luck, but both my Dad and my Uncle had moved to full blown wet md by this time. So far so good!

(189,234 posts)
(6,212 posts)Poeraria
(219 posts)dewsgirl
(14,964 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,961 posts)sort continues for you!!
(8,236 posts)order to take your well-being into your own hands.
(23,296 posts)this is great news and thank you for sharing.
(12,605 posts)I take both of them twice a day once in the morning and once at night. They are a little pricey, but I watch for buy one get one sales at Walgreens and that helps a lot. I don't know if they have made the difference, but my Dad and Uncle did not take anything once they got the diagnosis. Both went to wet MD within 2 years of diagnosis, and both lost most of their sight within 4 years. It was fast moving with both of them.
My husband teases me that I won't go out of the house on a cloudy day without my sunglasses, he is right, but better safe than sorry!
(23,296 posts)*running out to buy some today*. I always wear my sunglasses these days also. the sun really hurts my pale eyes (not to mention the squinting wrinkles it causes).
(162,407 posts)I tend to wear sunglasses a lot......I'm a night worker, and going outside into bright sunshine or even overcast conditions will quickly give me a headache. Tease away!
(1,343 posts)I get teased a lot (Who's the movie star? stuff) but at age 71, no cataracts! I'll take the teasing any day!
(162,407 posts)thanks!
(16,458 posts)safeinOhio
(35,079 posts)drugs and vitamins. He says the vitamins for eye health, the one for macular degeneration is very effective and is the only vitamin he takes.
Glad to hear this.
(29,540 posts)safeinOhio
(35,079 posts)Out 23andme DNA test showed it in our genes.
(29,540 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,605 posts)JudyM
(29,540 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,605 posts)If it keeps my sight I can do without a lot of stuff to make sure I am not blind at 70.
(29,540 posts)samnsara
(18,435 posts)Gothmog
(159,684 posts)DFW
(57,417 posts)I wish my mom in law had started with that ten years ago. She has macular degeneration and is about 98% blind.
(2,054 posts)I got new glasses last summer and the dr said that blue light (I think it was) is also not good if you have any possibility of macular degeneration, which my dad had. So she recommended that my glasses also have the blue blocking filter and the computer should have some kind of app or program to lessen the blue light. I have used f.lux program for years, which dims the light in rhythm with the sun cycle, so less blue light in evening/night.
Congrats on your continued eye health!
(12,605 posts)I do research and write grants and reports. I have seen a real difference with the new glasses.
(23,211 posts)
keep up the good work
(4,033 posts)Chronic conditions are always a nasty thing to deal with and to work out the right combination to slow them down is wonderful!! And having a doctor who listens to you and works with you is a real blessing (as is a patient who listens to the doc).
So keep doing what you are doing, listen to the doc, and tell your body to get (and stay) with the program!
(11,692 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,605 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)Richluu
(126 posts)Congrats! Macular degeneration runs in my family too. My chiropractor told me to take cod liver oil, which i have done. So far so good! Make sure you don't go over 4K of vitamin A intake.
(126 posts)4 K is kinda normal.
(23,944 posts)CozyMystery
(655 posts)Thank you for sharing it. Macular degeneration runs in my family. In fact, my uncle has it. I am going to ask if he is taking the vitamins and other supplement you mentioned. He lives in Germany.
I looked up AREDS2, and found this information from the National Eye Institute: