Wanting to know about people's experiences with HSV1 (Herpes simplex 1).
My girlfriend has had quite a time with an episode lately. First time I remember her having an outbreak (over several years).
I also wondered if just maybe was some unusual side effect from the Pfizer vaccine (although she's been vaccinated for over 2 months). She also may have had covid before that (mild case).

Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/05/07/fact-check-covid-19-vaccines-wont-give-you-genital-herpes/4953698001/
"Herpes infection could be a rare side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new study," claims a May 1 Instagram post from The Raging Patriot, an account that advertises itself as "Real News by Real Patriots."
Wow. Imagine a piece of disinformation from a patriot social media account finding its way to DU.
(22,240 posts)I Have no anti-vax sentiments. I also had 2 Pfizer vaccines. Anyway I'm not thinking it caused it but perhaps exacerbated
the outbreak (related to immune response).
Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)Must just be one of those coincidences.
(5,358 posts)youll see it is an existing case, not a claim of a case being caused by the vaccine, as you were quick to assume.
Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)https://www.self.com/story/covid-19-vaccine-herpes-shingles
Headlines and social media posts spread misleading claims this week about the COVID-19 vaccines and herpes. Specifically, posts and articles (like this one from the New York Post) imply that some people developed herpes after getting their shots. But there are a lot of problems with these claims, including the fact that the study they're referencing was actually about herpes zosteralso called shinglesrather than genital herpes infections.
So, no, the COVID-19 vaccine won't give you herpes. But bad headlines and social media panic could spread something much worse.
(5,258 posts)Anything stressful going on recently?
(20,856 posts)Olafjoy
(937 posts)Valacyclovir 2 grams at the first sensation (itch, tingle) of a breakout followed By an additional 2 grams 12 hours later really helps prevent a sore from developing. 500 mg daily suppression therapy for either three or six months has been shown to put the virus back to sleep and decrease outbreak incidence.