Can we talk obesity and steroids?
I might be placed on steroids in the near future, and I'm dreading the possibility of additional weight gain. It seems to be very accepted that steroid use can/will cause weight gain. So why, when the obesity crisis comes up for discussion, do we hear about fast foods and couch potatoes, and nothing about all the hormone mimics in our environment?

(113,131 posts)I had little weight gain on them for the first 10 years because I've always been careful about my diet. The worst parts of getting used to them were the emotional roller coaster (which does go away) and the GI upset (which doesn't, thank goodness for Prilosec).
We hear little about other causes of obesity because we're a society run by pearl clutching moralists who would prefer to blame people than try to find out what the problem really is.
(36,286 posts)find offensive. But I agree with your sentiments! Thanks for the reassurance!
(113,131 posts)and it's getting to the ridiculous point. I think I'll be gone in the next six months or so.
(72,174 posts)stay out of help and meta. you will feel better.
you just can't go. sorry. you can't.
(113,131 posts)I stayed out of the Feminist forum on DU2. Unfortunately, Mrs. Grundy in various forms is overrunning the rest of this site.
I wish someone would tell the old bat(s) of either sex that language isn't the problem on this or any other site but that there are sites out there devoted to the purification of language where they would be as happy as pigs in shit, nitpicking each word to death as it comes up.
(19,288 posts)And had to have steroids a few times. He hated fat people and found them morally objectionable. He felt you could willpower yourself through any challenge. So over weight people were to blame for a moral failing.
He gained a lot of weight. I don't know if he ever found compassion and empathy for others or not, the mood swings and cruelty made me take the kids and leave him and his instant karma.
(39,360 posts)I've had days where I wanted to eat everything not nailed down and made late night fast food runs. I actually had to work to maintain my weight. One of my stupid conditions causes muscle wasting so I welcomed the challenge of increasing consumption.
Also sometimes with roids you will (or might) have periods of appetite loss. I've always hated that more than possible weight gain.
Good luck feel better.
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)with polymylegia rheumatica, it is a muscle inflammation. I had been having problems for about two years but it took a smart nurse practitioner to hit upon the problem.
Prior to getting diagnosed I had not been eating much, filled up very fast but not really losing weight because my body hurt and I just didn't feel like doing much.
After starting with 20mg of prednisone and being up and down on the dosage I have gained weight, first of all I was hungry and didn't fill up nearly as much as I used to. I try eating less and I have been more active but still not losing like I would like to.
I don't like the extra weight and know I'd feel better if I could lose but not having the pain etc that goes with the condition is more important at this time.
I hope I am one of the lucky ones and the PMR blows itself out and I can get off the medication, if not I will continue trying to decrease until I can manage on a lesser dose.