About 6-7 weeks ago I went to the urgent care with a horrible right ear infection
They gave me antibiotics and then I went to the ear nose and throat doctor and they said there was no infection, (if could have gone away by then) s
So, still in pain I went to my dentist and he had me go get a root canal. about 5 days later caps started falling off! The dentist then told me I should get dentures since I have had such bad teeth for so long and the bones were not good.
I've been to a prosthodontist and the oral surgeon. I have to wait until May 2 for the procedure. Eventually I am getting the dentures with 4 implants that hold them in so you don't have to take them out. It will be the most expensive item I have ever bought - $37,000!
So guess what now? My fucking left ear is hurting! I don't know what to do but wait for the damn surgery because I think it may be related to the rotten teeth in my mouth, (I have been wearing a mask when I go out because it looks so horrible)
I'm thinking that bad teeth can cause all sorts of problems and I am sick of it. Every tooth in my mouth except for 4 front ones on the bottom have been capped. And on the top left I can see one of the 3 tooth fall outs and it is rotten. I can't see the roots of the other ones on the left.
I actually remember coming on here maybe a year ago with a horrible tooth ache on a SUNDAY! People were very helpful
Anyone else hear of tooth decay causing such problems. I swear that my eyes got worse just in the last month and now I have to wear reading glasses almost all the time.
Edit - I started taking these old antibiotics. I hate the thought of going to urgent care again
Growing old is a bitch!

(889 posts)3 root canals and I am terrified of whats to come. Medicare dental insurance is a joke.
(23,195 posts)nothing to do with it but they also used some treatment called a "Wave" that is supposed to heal your tooth better but I keep thinking that "Wave" caused a "wave" in my mouth. Who knows?
(1,156 posts)Maybe? Those hurt like the dickens. I feel for you.
(23,858 posts)is routinely an abscess originating from a rotten tooth which has literally worked its way through the cheek!!! The infection usually manifests itself on the cheek, but one occasionally finds the infection having crawled to other areas of the face, the nose and sinuses, the ear. I hope the dentistry clears the problem up!!!
(23,195 posts)about how bad rotten teeth are for dogs. I hadn't thought of that
(9,917 posts)It sounds like we are all in danger. I have a bridge that suddenly developed a little hole. Dentist want to replace the whole bridge. I've had it since 1979.
At some point we may wind up without teeth. We pay $100 a month to Cigna for dental coverage. And still the rates are killer.
(12,768 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,072 posts)That all health insurance MUST include dental coverage! Why doesnt it? So many other problems can arise from tooth problems.
Wishing you all the best. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
(9,917 posts)They have National Healthcare and fairly rotten teeth.
(23,195 posts)look better.
(9,917 posts)"...The majority of people choose NHS dental care rather than private care: as of 2005, the national average proportion of people opting for private care was 23%.[3] NHS dentistry is not always available and is not managed in the way that other NHS services are managed..."
(89 posts)Tooth infection can go systemic and attack the heart. Please get treatment.
(89 posts)I know there is at least one dentist that posts in GD, they probably have good advice.
(2,924 posts)She went to the dentist and he found no issue. She went to our family Dr., Dr. Held and he examined her, and immeddiately brought her to a different floor in the medical building and had a different dentist extract her teeth. Low an behold she was much improved. Lived decades longer. Had a smimlar conversation with my own dentist withn the last year on the same subject. I do believe there is a strong connection between oral hygiene and overall health. Good luck.
(3,940 posts)Get an A1-C Blood test done before the major surgery. I had to wait an additional several months with nothing more than max doses of 600mg ibuprofen until I got my A1-C level down to less than 7.
(23,195 posts)A1C is about diabetes right? I had a blood test about a year ago. I'll have to check.
(3,940 posts)Tends to be high in diabetics, but if youre expecting extractions and implants it is a test they will probably ask for.
(113,131 posts)Favoring that side of your jaw can irritate the joint between your upper and lower jaw and that can feel like ear pain.
Please go to UC or even an ER and have them do a blood count to see if you are fighting a bacterial infection. If you are, you will need antibiotics and you might be on them for some time. Expired antibiotics won't hurt you but the potency declines rapidly, so they won't help you much.
Letting it go can result in the infection spreading places you really, really don't want it, like your brain and the valves in your heart.
Nothing is worse than a mouthful of teeth that hurt and teeth that are root canaled and have crowns can still rot.
Dentures suck but not nearly as much as bad teeth do. Good luck.
(15,442 posts)I've discussed my expensive uninsured TMJ problems here. 32k potentially. I am so sorry you're going through this. I think oral health is linked to overall physical health. Keep us updated.