My tmj is a chronic health problem, I guess
Been asymptomatic for a long time until July 2023 and my left jaw popped outta place. Tried self care. I knew it was bad. Sought out what I thought was an awesome specialist. Got phase 1 removable orthotics. Had no pain..after months and me hoping I could jus5 maintain, I decided to move onto uninsured phase 2, 25k..plastic or6hotic glued on bottom teeth.
Front teeth broke off I follow drs orders to comenin Tue not Thur and he reapplies. With glue, the front plastic pieces PUSHING hard, imo, on lower jaw.
So had ear pain and jaw ached. I'm livid bc he said they prob didn't even need to be applied again. My jaw and ear hurt 5 days later.
Simce this is stressed me out, I went back Thu, complained abt the pain after he pushed my jaw back. Why would u do that when someone has a fucked up? I had to take Aleve again. He kinda blew me off, said the ptessure wasnt hard enuf, and my jaw is stable. But here I am in pain st8ll and things were going so well.
This made me lose trust in him. I said I'm not comfortable with pressure on my jaw at all. Very upset. I'm not crazy, i now have pain, I've prepaid and i have much work coming up. I'm gingerly chrwing food. I could cry I'm so frustrated and angry. Why ru pushimg hard ON MY JAW?ETA TMJ causes ear discomfort ringing. My ears are popping. I'm wrrd this asshole pushed my jaw back imto my ear area and i have no recourse. I just have to accept this no matter what
I'm still stunned he pushed on it. Just pinch the piece on and hold it. And the plastic pieces came off within hrs so it was pointless. I could tell he was annoyef

Big Blue Marble
(5,541 posts)I would make three suggestions. First if possible seek the guidance of a
cranial-sacral osteopathic physician who understands the cranium and
its relationship to the jaw. Second, seek a second opinion from a
dentist who has this understanding of the cranium and the jaw.
Third, find out what is causing the jaw imbalance? Do you grind or clench at night?
Have you had much dentistry? Have you worn braces before. Are you
feeling stressful (before the current dentist made your situation worse?
A cranial-sacral physician will be able to help rebalance and re-stabilize your jaw
and deal with your imbalances in a more holistic way. Hopefully he/she would
then refer you to dentist who is more holistic as well to better support your jaw and your
(15,442 posts)Totally grinding due to stress. Had a long consult with anthr tmj specialist who says cost in line with tx. He does his tx diffetently, and payment is a la cart. My current is lump sum. I've pre-paid, so I'm stuck finishing it. Things were great going along great until he pushed on my bottom jaw for nothing reasonable.
I have bad posture and mild apnea.per this guy, bad ortho helped bring this abt. Had tmj long time, have gap between chewing surfaces so jaw already fucked up, was working extra hard to chew. I had no clue this was happening until it popped. I've come so far in my tx i can't believe he put any pressure on my lower jaw. AT ALL
Big Blue Marble
(5,541 posts)if you are not being treated as you want and deserve, you have every reason to request
a full refund and to go to another dental specialist. If the dentist does not
offer a full refund on request. Contact your state dental board and file a complaint.
Your history does seem like you set up to develop TMJ. It is not your fault. Do not
let him gaslight you. You should be treated with even more care due the previous injury
you have sustained.
Even slight occusual change cause imbalances in the jaw function. Your jaw is also
connected to your skull and your skull bones need to flex freely. Pushing your jaw clearly
has increased your symptoms. Do ask for a full refund immediately.