After months of trying every remedy in the book, 3 different doctors and a 6 day
stint in the hospital I FINALLY had surgery yesterday (22nd).
I had lost so much blood I required iron infusions and IV potassium and mineral drips. When everything failed to help my general surgeon who didn't feel comfortable operating on me sent me to a Colorectal surgeon.
He performed a sphincterotomy because the fissures were getting bigger and not healing causing unbearable pain. I also had a partial pro-lapsed rectum so he removed tissue and tucked and stitched the rest high up where it belonged. He banded some internal hemorrhoids.
I'm taking percocet and diazepam (Valium) for pain and sedation, they work well when I keep up on it but if I go longer than the prescribed time it's so bad ..
8 months it took to find a Dr who would believe how horrible this was. I almost lost my job for having to take more than my 40hrs allotted sick time. I used all of what vacation time I had as well. I'm off work for one week, unpaid time more if I need it. Thank the gods I have a husband who works full time and we can manage.
That's my update folks.

(153,052 posts)I cannot even imagine how painful all this must have been. Please take your meds and feel better!
And thank you for checking in, and letting us know what's going on...
(36,286 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)that first BM is going to feel like rusty razor blades, barbed wire and broken bottles but you should heal pretty quickly after that. Just take those stool softeners and take a laxative if it's offered. They do make it easier but it will still suck the first time.
The worst thing about all this, you realize, is that you're not going to be able to show anyone your scar unless you dislike them enough to moon them.
I always gave out pain medicine on time around the clock for the first two days and then made it as needed. I wish doctors would write it this way. You don't need to be awakened for sleeping pills but you do need to be awakened for pain medication.
You had a lot of damage in there. Congratulations on being able to avoid a colostomy, not the end of the world but just another pain in the neck to deal with.
(17,258 posts)so that when I do 'go' it won't be as bad as it could be (I hope)
He wrote my percocet as 1 every 3 hours for the first 3 days post op so I'm trying to stick to that. Through the night I woke up and my pills were downstairs so i didn't go get them bad move!
I just want it to be done with.
sure to take the Miralax because the Percocet can sure cause constipation and you sure don't want or need that right now!